PO BOX 19034 The poster disclaims any legal responsibility for the accuracy of the information that is contained in this post. If any individual or business needs additional time to file Home Rule Taxes, please email revenuecompliance@cookcountyil.gov and request a filing extension. Toll Free Phone (Sales Tax Department): 1. Any building materials used in new construction or rehabilitation of non-residential projects located within Rockford's River Edge Redevelopment Zone and permanently attached to the real estate may be sales tax exempt (8.25%) if a retailer is provided with a Certificate of Eligibility issued by the Illinois Department of Revenue. All rights reserved. Illinois Department of Revenue Phone Number | Call Now - GetHuman You may wish to tell them if you have a payment or not, in case it makes a difference. View your current year 1099-G Certain Government Payments information online with MyTax Illinois. No appointments are necessary; however, if you have a complex issue, please contact the department ahead of time so they can be prepared to give you the help you may need. To process Cook County fines, fees, and license applications in an accurate and timely Manner. Here are the addresses shown in the instruction booklet: Ask questions and learn more about your taxes and finances. Illinois Income Tax Filing (IL-1040) Illinois Services Illinois Income Tax Filing (IL-1040) Use MyTax Illinois to electronically file your original Individual Income Tax Return. In an effort to alleviate some of the financial burden at this time of great uncertainty, the Department of Revenue is providing taxpayer relief in multiple areas. SPRINGFIELD IL 62794-9034, ST-556/ST-556-LSE, Receipted Copy of Sales Tax Transaction Returns, IL-501, Illinois Withholding Income Tax Payment, IL-941, Illinois Withholding Income Tax Return, Automobile Renting Occupation and Use Tax, Central Registration Division (Business Registration), Coin-Operated Amusement Device and Redemption Machine Tax, MFUT-12, Application for Motor Fuel Use Tax License and Decal, RMFT-5, Motor Fuel Distributor/Supplier Tax Return, RMFT-71, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Tax Return, Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance Fees, Underground Storage Tank Tax and Environmental Impact Fee, Volunteers in Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE), Identity Verification Letters Information, Letters and Notices for Individual Income Tax, Deficiencies, Assessments, or Claim Denials, Submit Request for Mailed Forms or Publications -Forms Ordering. SPRINGFIELD IL 62719-0001. explaining in broken German that the department is so big that it doesn't need a street address is futile - and if you know Germany, the rules say you need a street address.
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