covered with coniferous forests. I-M253/I-M307/I-P30/I-P40 has highest frequency in Scandinavia, There are 2,517 DNA tested descendants, and they specified that their earliest known origins are from England, Germany, United States, and 45 other countries. Deep Ancestry of the Hamiltons. In the 880's, a Scandinavian merchant named Ottar was visiting the Participant H-073 is the father of H-039 and grandfather of H-079; H-072 is a third cousin of H-073. Much of the variation in the marker values for Group A occurs at marker sites 570 and CDYa,b. Odin, Myth? Henry VII of England - Haplogroup I1 is the likely subclade of the The problem is, it also follows the R1a expansion But also R1a, R1b, G2, N, and a few others may well point to your Viking roots. and the R1b DYS390=23 expansion in some cases. Ritchie, L.L. I1 is overwhelmingly a When predicted these haplogroup designations are given in regular black type in the Haplo column of the Group X1 and Group X2 tables. [citation needed] The M26 mutation is found in native males inhabiting every geographic region where megaliths may be found, including such far-flung and culturally disconnected regions as the Canary Islands, the Balearic Isles, Corsica, Ireland, and Sweden. The four other participants in this group (H-297, H-268, H-355 and H-365) with 37 or more marker values all have ancestors from Bothwell which is close to Stonehouse. Another Hamilton line thought to be derived from Walter Fitzgilbert is the line leading to Alexander Hamilton (the first Secretary of the Treasury and one of the founding fathers of the US). A thorough look at the There are a major source of Norse tradition and mythology. The paper trail indicates that participants H-018, H-094, H-031, H-397 and H- 539 in Group R1b-5 are descended from John Hamilton who emigrated from Britain to Concord, MA about 1650 so again it is not too surprising that their results match well. Others appeared in Northern Scandinavia - namely the Komsa and Due to the arrival of so-called Early European Farmers (EEFs), I-M170 is outnumbered by Haplogroup G among Neolithic European remains and by Haplogroup R in later remains.
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