Step 1: Disable 3rd party overlaysIn some cases using 3rd party in-game overlays could cause additional FPS drop or instabilities, especially when you Are you looking for a way to save your highlights and share them with your followers? BangAverageFella 2 yr. ago No problem at all! The rest of the settings will be down to your PC and what it can handle. When you are streaming from a console you are really limited in the amount of customization you can have on your stream. Here you have to deactivate the HDCP encryption system so that the capture card can be fully used with the console. To do this, once a game has started, simply press the Create button on your PS5 controller and select the "Transfer" tab at the bottom. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to, .ca etc). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Similar to using OBS, it is recommended to play around with the settings to become familiar with the technology. It should now be clear that OBS Studio offers many possibilities to optimize its stream. The good old capture card is still the method of choice if you intend to capture the moving image of a console and broadcast it live to the world. On the video tab, you'll set up the output resolution and frame rate you want to send to Twitch. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. So, you have a consistent stream design for different scenes. That can have many reasons. Click the arrow to expand that list > select High Performance > close the window. My job as an Elden Ring crab delivery driver, Feature| You then need to click on Configure Video in the Video Capture Device Properties. 2. A busy week with plenty of greats, Feature| Connect your YouTube account to the appropriate streaming program and make the desired video and audio settings. Ray tracing seems to be out of the picture for Series S users. Many capture card manufacturers already offer their own, uncomplicated software solutions to make the setup as simple and intuitive as possible. How to stream on PS4 The ultimate guide! First you should choose the encoder - x264 has proven to be the most stable and common option for a long time.
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