Compressed all our model files to binary to shave off some of the file size and decrease model load time. Fixed Pokmon entering battle and reverting to default abilities until switched out and in. "For the biggest update ever, that was pretty close to stable!". Updated Pixelmon Workplace (Dark and Light). Strong Fire-type moves can instantly smelt some of the contents! Fixed Fissure being guaranteed to hit underground Pokmon. Updated all commands with optional player argument to verify if the command source has permission to do use it. Updated Apricorn Log plank recipe to yield Yellow Berry Planks. Fixed /pokebattle starting a 2 v 1 battle with trainer NPCs. Fixed statues in Mega or other temporary forms reverting back to the base form. Certain Pixelmon Items can no longer have enchants added to them via an enchanted book/anvil. Fixed Zacian and Zamazenta regaining all their move PP after battling while holding the Rusted Sword and Rusted Shield, respectively. Tweaked a bunch of other megas spawning rarities as some seemed to be too hard to find. EvolveEvent.PostEvolve#preEvo is now a much closer clone of the original entity before evolution. Fixed boss drops not using the tier system with rewards. Dynamax Ditto will now copy movesets on Transform. How they thought red was for Kyogre is beyond someone on my salary. Fixed bugged-out trainer Pokmon being catchable. Not again. Fixed non-gendered Pokmon being able to fall in love with each other. This may be taxing on older systems, and is disabled by default. Updated PokeStop, PokeChest, PokeDrops and ShopItems to properly use NBT data. Fixed newly-hatched Pokmon inheriting moves from their movesets when hatched with empty move slots. Fixed Ultra Burst counting as Mega Evolution making it so you can't Mega Evolve another Pokmon in the same battle. We now mark the player as active on some battle actions to fix being kicked as 'AFK' on servers with AFK kicking enabled. Added container loot tables to Chalice house structures. ZStatusMoves use their base accuracy now, instead of always hitting. Fixed some battle issues caused by stat changes when they aren't caused by moves. Pixelmon Generations is a Forge Mod for Minecraft and has a 100% PokeDex including all the new Sword & Shield Pokemon . Fixed Pokmon losing moves not in their level-up movepool after evolving. Fixed a rare instance of Day Care slots being overwritten by two new parents whilst keeping the old timer. Added number of Mew clones to Pokmon Editor. Fixed a whole lotta sprites being broken. You can access them by using the form spec now! Sort of defeats the purpose, doesn't it? If you or your child falls into this category, please do not watch! Added waterlogging to Temple Pillar and Broken Temple Pillar. Fixed JEI compatibility with the battle GUI. Fixed Electric Terrain checking the wrong Pokmon for grounded status. Updated Great Ball Lid and Moon Ball Lid recipe to yield 3 lids. Updated evolution method for Petilil, Bergmite, Ursaring, Quilava and Scyther.
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