This list has a max level of 155, which is something you can only achieve if you own all the different DLC's. Of course I know that you can set the number of engram points per level in your config file, so you can do the math and then add 100 lines with engram points listed in the line for each level, but that's not what I'm talking about. All rights reserved. If you have changed the amount of points you gain from each level, those changes should be retroactively applied when you restart the server. For example, a line with [8] in it , is "Melee Damage" - doesn't matter if it's players, or dinos. You will have access to more engrams than "normal, but you're still playing on a multiplayer server. After hitting Level 100, you should have around 477 Engram Points to spend anywhere you want if you followed this guide that is! It will be a huge pain if you have to fight your way out or in your base. "Engrams" are the unlockable recipes for crafting in ARK: Survival Evolved. 2012-2023 All Rights Reserved. Below is a table detailing this info. It would require in excess of 7000 points to unlock all the "vanilla" engrams in the base game. You can acquire Fabricator and the Silencer if you wish to keep it quiet and avoid unwanted engagements. The lines shown below all end in 1, which means normal values, with no changes. Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. To change the level requirement of the engram change this bit: EngramLevelRequirement=0 to the level you want to player to be, to be able to access it. You need to add a line for every level you want to edit, with the number of engrams points at the end of the line. You can also opt for some Electronics or Saddles to ride those dinos and soar high in the sky! As said, these include a campfire, a house, harvesting tools, and some basic weapons. Simple? Every time a player goes up a level, they will receive a certain number of engram points to purchase and unlock new engrams. Scroll down until you find the section " Per level Engram Points ".
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