Yes. Once youve registered, click on the Money tab, select the incarcerated individual you would like to send money to, select the card you would like us to charge, and confirm your information. Thatll be three stamps. Go to the Send Mail page for more information about sending messages to inmates. JPay JPay is a privately held company located in Miramar, Florida that contracts with many government agencies. When friends and family provide funds to an inmate's JPay Media Account, also known as JPay Credits, inmates can purchase electronic stamps, a JPay Player, and buy media, like songs and games. Yesterday I can attach pre-paid replies back to an inmate, but today it wasn't possible? Someone please help me :). . With many prisons reaping a roughly 5-cent commission per message, prison systems that use JPay stand to collect $710,000 on e-messages alone. Be aware that the fees for sending money online are lower than over the phone. Different correctional facilities offer different rates, duration, and availability for Video Connect sessions, though most Video Connect sessions last 30 minutes. I would be sure to set aside some time tocall JPay's customer serviceline whenyou get the chance to, to see, thoughfair warning:be prepared for a lengthy wait time (the last time I called customer service I waited on the phone for around 45 minutes before getting to speak with someone). DOCofficials believe thatthe implementation of the Debit Release Card program will assist released individuals with reintegrating into society, gain money management skills and financial inclusion. But after five prison phone providers, including Securus, filed separate petitions challenging the FCCs decision, the ruling was overturnedleaving pricing entirely in the hands of private companies, with charges ranging from 96 cents to as much as $18 for a 20-minute call. There is 24/7 customer support by calling 866-777-5729, or online card management at And, the more ways prisoners are cut off from communicating with their families, the better it is for business. How..? #20. d0wnther@bbith0le. I did follow the link and sent JPay an email, and will call the actual facility as well. VideoGrams are limited to 30 seconds in duration, and are attached to emails you will send to an inmate. Hello Susaff, not everyone is getting scammed but I've heard that some inmates might start asking for money and making up excuses on why they need it.
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