However, by the 1960s, Ruanda-Urundi also began to demand independence, and Belgium ended its colonial empire when Rwanda and Burundi were granted independence in 1962. Chalk and limestone mining around Tournai, Mons, and Lige, which supports a significant cement industry, is of greater contemporary importance. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. [19], Belgium's economy has capitalised on the country's central geographic location, and has a well-developed transport network, and diversified industrial and commercial base. The country became a major steel producer in the early 19th century, with factories centred in the southern Walloon coal-mining region, particularly in the Sambre-Meuse valley. Estimates vary, but about half the Congolese population died from punishment and malnutrition. Browse an unrivalled portfolio of real-time and historical market data and insights from worldwide sources and experts. Firstly, Mobutu repeatedly pointed out Belgiums moral responsibility to the country resulting from colonial rule, especially in crisis situations. Growth of the forest industry after World War II has been aided by mechanization, allowing Belgium to reduce its reliance on imported timber. It has since developed a highly-developed transportation infrastructure made up of ports (most notably the Port of Antwerp), canals, railways, and highways, in order to integrate its industry with that of its neighbours. The government was forced to borrow heavily from abroad to finance foreign trade (i.e., importing of foreign goods) and to sustain its generous social welfare system. In October 2021, the Belgian parliament set up a commission to deal with colonial injustice. Despite the heavy industrial component, services account for 74.9% of GDP, while agriculture accounts for only 1% of GDP. And if you didn't reach that, then it was a bullet in the head or they cut off your hands or feet, or took your wife. However, many countries and individuals had learned of these atrocities by the early 20th century. Millions are now refugees. In the past, Lige was one of the most important steel-making centres in Europe. Violent altercations between Belgian forces and the Congolese also occurred later that year, and Belgium, which previously maintained that independence for the Congo would not be possible in the immediate future, suddenly capitulated and began making arrangements for the Congos independence. By that time, UMHK was one of the largest single sources of Congolese . Under the reign of terror instituted by King Leopold II of Belgium (who ran the Congo Free State as his personal fief from 1885 to 1908), the population of the Congo was reduced by half with some estimates suggesting that as many as 10 million Congolese lost their lives. Change the plan you will roll onto at any time during your trial by visiting the Settings & Account section. According to a 2007 survey, nine of the 23 richest Belgian families could trace their fortunes to colonial Congo. I cannot say here how many millions or billions Belgium has to pay, but one thing is certain: the Belgian government has the opportunity to say that it wants to fix what was done. People say it's different - that Leopold was in the past, that he didn't even go to Congo. The people of the Congo were forced to labor for valued resources, including rubber and ivory, to personally enrich Leopold. Belgium helped prop up a dictator named Joseph Mobutu or Mobutu Sese Seko who ruled from 1965 to . Belgian wealth squeezed from Congo - BBC News
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