Elijah recognizes how angry Marcel is, and rips his heart out. Marcel was very moral, as he tried to stop another slave getting beaten which then resulted in Marcel getting shot by his own father. Five years after taking down the Mikaelsons, Marcel's anger subsided and he made a truce with Vincent, putting aside their differences and working towards keeping New Orleans safe, showing that Marcel had returned to his more level-headed ways. 'The Originals' Series Finale Ending Killed Your Favorite - Bustle Later, after Davina deduced that they needed the heart of an unsired vampire, such as Hayley to complete the spell, The Strix attacked the hybrid in Marcel's gym. The other two were Tina, Josh's former friend and a werewolf who bit Gia. She made clear that she wouldn't allow anyone to take advantage of the society's current leaderless circumstances for a power grab. Hope returns with Marcel. He likes that she is not a part of the supernatural world. His cunning gave Marcel the victory and granted him a place among The Strix, the first member who wasn't part of Elijah's sireline. He is therefore by extension the adoptive brother of Hope Mikaelson and father figure and protector of Davina Claire. His siblings, even Kol, along with Keelin and Marcel, start having . Marcel goes to talk to Davina who seems upset and is drawing. At the ball, Marcel sees that Rebekah has invited Cami. Hope explains that her father will never be able to rest until he knows that she's okay. He saw she was a fighter like himself and saved her life before she could be killed in The Harvest and has been taking care of her and protecting her ever since. It is unknown if he would have been strong enough to pull it out if it had gone into his chest like Mikael or Klaus could. To cover up Hayley's involvement, Marcel instead framed Gaspar Cortez and gave The Strix his head instead, coming up with a believable story given Cortez's hostile past with the vampire society. However, Marcel explains that he's only anchoring the spell to New Orleans and she could have left anytime she wanted. Marcel manages to go toe-to-toe and even holds his own very well despite being physically outmatched. Marcel doesn't want Cami to her plan, but changes his mind with Hayley's call. Marcel makes her a deal. Will Marcel Die On 'The Originals'? 4 Spoiler-Based - Bustle Marcel possessed all the standard powers and abilities of a non-Original vampire but had an exceptional level of strength for a vampire his age which is best shown in his battles with Klaus. Marcel entered the room, seemingly cold and unfeeling toward her revival. Elijah initially seemed enraged by the results, shoving his hand into Marcel's chest and threatening to kill him but Marcel reminded him that he just played the game by the rules. In The Bloody Crown, Marcel reveals himself to the Mikaelsons as an Upgraded Original Vampire, shocking them all. She even had a tape recorder in her purse to tape their conversations.
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