The creature wanted Justine to suffer because he knew that she would be horrified and scream upon seeing him. The Creature watches the family for a long time. The cottagers were the creatures last hope for happiness, and now that they were gone, so was his hope for happiness. Frankenstein Chapter 16 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts answer He saw the trail of the father and felt the man have been treated unfairly so he wanted to help the father get out of jail. Female characters in the Frankenstein family died early. His deformity, his ability to survive extreme conditions, and the grotesque circumstances of his creation all serve to mark him as the ultimate outsider. What does Victor promise to tell Elizabeth the day after they are married? Why does Frankenstein run away from his Monster? How does the monster intially react to fire (an abandoned one left by wandering beggars_? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Get started for free! He came into the cabin and saw the dead Frankenstein. What was the reaction of the rest of the De Lacey family when they saw the creature? What span of time do all four letters cover? Do you agree with his reasoning? Elizabeth is a very passionate person that is into art and nature. How does Elizabeth feel about the wedding? What did Victor do that earned him the admiration of the University? What is Victor's father's advice concerning a survivor's "duty" after the death of a loved one? His creator doesn't give him any attention and love. In your opinion, is the justification the creature offers for his actions adequate? You can view our. He doesn't want her to marry a christian and he was broke. What evidence was found on Justine to cast suspicion on her as the murderer? France 2-She has made no promise to live in isolation. how are the audience supposed to react to the monster. B. Felix reacts violently to him and casts him out. -He dumped them in the ocean; he cleaned up his mess so the villagers wouldn't be scared. What happens to Felix, his father, and sister? william523021 william523021 03/10/2017 English High School answered . To tell him that William was murdered & he needs to return home for comfort. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. -He is confused and overloaded by different sensations. Victor is initially hesitant to marry Elizabeth. Before his death Victor accepts his responsibility as creator of the monster. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% The old man questions why they would not. Why does Victor not want to marry Elizabeth immediately? How does Victor address his creation when he first confronts him on the mountain? , 5. NASCAR Cup Series at Dover schedule Green Flag Time: 12 p.m. CT Sunday, April 30 Track: Dover Motor Speedway (1 mile oval) in Dover, Delaware Qualifying: 10:20 a.m. CT qualifying on Saturday (on. As he learned about the evils and milestones of. The creature asks, "Why, in that instant, did I not extinguish the spark of existence which you had so wantonly bestowed?" 20% Why did he keepit from the other characters (e.g. What happens to Victor after he survives the storm and makes it to land? A. Felix runs to town to gather men to destroy the monster. What does Walton fear will happen as a result of the prolonged despair his men feel?
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