Because of system outages or overcrowding by emergency traffic, normal communications systems may become unusable or inadequate to meet emergency or disaster response needs. Contact the ISS - ARISS endstream endobj 101 0 obj<>stream Please also list the repeaters callsign (if known) and list input frequency of any "odd split" repeaters or any other helpful information in the "notes" column. When you jump into the Ham radio world, its usually with a purpose. '_otrr|uaL1'd9229EZf7NLTN ^k.\F)MJI:\{SDjP ^$>{lm9.2fRe,UvNQ^#mITqPZ/hJ+k#+r x&eEz0( `D] 5 D;]!"uP"}CL'!~V")h$U&#)gm(p} q:Ys9G{c)1(Z"vWIMA]tfKXuGmcV+vJ45#bZ`^s'1*nY3YaR3[Wro1~DI)n4o[u'UD|B1xf| yc;=g*:ocbwB7. 0000068043 00000 n The State of Texas is susceptible to the effects of both natural and man-made disasters. 121 0 obj<>stream Click on the frequency for additional details. This means that amateurs should set their carrier frequency 1.5 kHz lower than the channel center frequency. Find out when your local Hamfest is and how you can participate Category. And if you read till the end, youll find a simple and insightful way of finding these frequencies to program in your device. 0000071295 00000 n The diversity of all that is happening on the Ham bands is insane. You can donate below with your credit card, or you can donate in person at one of our meetings. 24.0-24.25 GHz The SKYWARN uses different frequencies in different states. bRYkK}fP`vYj7 1\\nl[~Cb#`$L71[9nUu.Q]-b;GyAS>~K~Tj[a.Zd$,tvk9wu?V 2 6} Come out ifyou can, be safe, be responsible, and have a great time with your fellow hams. For more serious, regular conversations, you can tap into one of your areas amateur radio nets. Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service - Texas US licenses are good for 10 years before renewal. LF is the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) designation for radio frequencies that fall between 30-300 kHz. H\@~9VvO"YH,d%QHeLbf rYQo>s3fq~y7/Y]gw{ZwCxS~8qaV,|mo96Lp Even though these frequencies fall out of the Amateur 2m band, your radio might be able to pick them up because most Amateur radios can receive out-of-band frequencies. General, Advanced, Amateur Extra classes: 14.025 -14.150 MHz CW, RTTY/Data BVARC Transitions VE Team to In-Person Computer Based Testing. If thats you, I would recommend listening to the NOAA and National Weather Service frequencies. Note: Sorting does not carry through to exports! Click on a header to sort. You can find such nets in your own locality and join them when they are active. has one of the largest databases of Amateur radio frequencies and their intended use. . Amateur radio operators are often needed to assist in communications during an emergency. Basic Information. endstream endobj 100 0 obj<>stream I have been passionate about the world of communications in its various forms for most of my life. At all times, transmitter power must be the minimum necessary to carry out the desired communications.
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