A young lawyer named Motoyuki Negoro pointed out the injustice of unequal wages in a series of articles he wrote for a Japanese newspaper. Their strategy was to flood the marketplace with immigrant laborers, thereby enabling the owners to lower wages, knowing workers had no other option but to accept the wages or be jobless and possibly disgrace their families. About twenty six thousand sugar workers and their families, 76 thousand people in all, began the 79-day strike on September 1, 1946 and completely shut down 33 of the 34 sugar plantations in the islands. Lee, advised the planters in these words: MASTERS AND SERVANTS (Na Haku A Me Na Kauwa): Many workers began to feel that their conditions were comparable to the conditions of slavery. Fifty years ago today, when the Republic of Hawaii was annexed to the United States as a territory, the Hawaiian sugar planters never imagined that the "docile" and obedient Japanese laborers would revolt against them to secure their freedom. Meanwhile the Filipinos formed a parallel but independent Filipino Labor Union under the leadership of Pablo Manlapit. The struggle for justice in the workplace has been a consistent theme in our islands since the sugar plantation era began in the 1800s. THE 1920 STRIKE: Of 600 men who had arrived in the islands voluntarily, they sent back 100. They confidently transplanted their traditions to their new home. [see Pa'a Hui Unions] In 1973 the Federation included 43 local unions with a total membership in excess of 50,000. These provisions were often used to put union leaders out of circulation in times of tension and industrial conflict. And then swiftly whaling came to an end. It looked like history was repeating itself.
The Decline Of The Hawaiian Sugar Plantation Owners They reflected the needs of working people and of the common man. The first group of Chinese recruited came under five year contracts at $3.00 a month plus passage, food, clothing and a house. After the 1924 strike, the labor movement in Hawai'i dwindled but it never died. Originally built in 1998, it lost its place in the Guinness Book of World Records until it was expanded in July 2007.
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