Find out which kinds are best for mashing, roasting and more. The inside is white and crumbly when cooked, making them ideal for recipes like these Pepperoni Pizza Stuffed Potatoes. Covingtons have a distinct rose-colored skin that is often speckled with small spots and super sweet firm, dense bright orange flesh that stays vibrant when cooked. These potatoes are often combined with red and white varieties to make a red, white, and blue potato salad. With its copper-colored skin and dark orange flesh, Jewel is a gem, indeed. In addition to being sweet and flavorful, they retain their lovely orange hue even after baking. Many people rate Beauregard sweet potatoes as the most versatile to cook with. They do have a higher starch content than other blue potatoes, so reach for this potato to make a vibrant blue mash. Hannah Sweet Potatoes. Sweet potatoes have now been domesticated in many countries around the world that have a hot and humid climate. One of the quickest and easiest ways to enjoy a sweet potato is to pierce the skin with a fork and pop it in the microwave for about five minutes. The orange things, she says, are yams.
Types of Sweet Potatoes: Japanese, Hannah, Jersey and More - Leafy Place When cooked, it becomes silky smooth and creamy or fluffy. Have you ever grown and harvested I. batata before? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Which cultivar is your favorite? This early variety is susceptible to soft rot and cracking. These sweet spuds account for nearly 85 percent of sweet potato production in North Carolina and are continuing to become more popular, according to North Carolina Sweet Potatoes. Beauregards have purplish-red skin and a deep orange interior. This is a good choice of vegetable to add to stews or you can roast the sweet potatoes in the oven. Sweet potato skins can be in a range of colors such as pink, red, orange, creamy white, copper, and light tan. Good for mashing, roasting into cubes, making into fries, or frying for the lower amount of sugar. These tuberous starchy roots belong to the family Convolvulaceae (morning glory) in the order Solanales.
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