Stump was a lifelong fisherman, having worked on several shrimp boats. Your Scrapbook is currently empty. There is no photo or video of Harold Leon Spencer.Be the first to share a memory to pay tribute. SPENCER - Harold E. Spencer. Looking for something you can't find? A gathering for family and friends in Harold's honor will be held in the Peacock-Newnam and White Chapel in Southport on Wednesday, April 14th, from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. Your entry has exceeded the maximum character limit. He spent his childhood working on his family fruit farm with his three sisters and two brothers. ). For memorials with more than one photo, additional photos will appear here or on the photos tab. Quickly see who the memorial is for and when they lived and died and where they are buried. Try again later. Previously sponsored memorials or famous memorials will not have this option. a wedding, a graduation, a first home purchase, the first job, our retirement, our vacations - all involve planning, sometimes major planning. Earle Halliburton Hal Spence Jr., passed away June 11 after a skydiving accident in Eloy, AZ. No animated GIFs, photos with additional graphics (borders, embellishments. There was an error deleting this problem. or don't show this againI am good at figuring things out. Olive First Baptist Church There are no volunteers for this cemetery. Online condolences may be made to the Spencer family at Visit our Support Center The best poems for funerals, memorial services., and cards. Edit a memorial you manage or suggest changes to the memorial manager. Remove advertising from a memorial by sponsoring it for just $5. Harolds arrangements are under the care of Life Tributes Funeral Home-Spencer. As manager of this memorial you can add or update the memorial using the Edit button below. Failed to delete memorial. This site is provided as a service of SCI Shared Resources, LLC. Obituary. An email has been sent to the person who requested the photo informing them that you have fulfilled their request, There is an open photo request for this memorial. Beloved Jeanne Marie Pagnotta, Born on January 24, 1931, in Oceanside, New York. Average Age & Life Expectancy Harold Spencer lived 10 years shorter than the average Spencer family member when he died at the age of 61. Consider offering these words of comfort if you're not sure what's appropriate. (84 years old). Claude was a devoted husband and father whose family. Harold Spencer (1939 - 1986) - Sacramento, California 0 cemeteries found in Uintah, Weber County, Utah, USA. This memorial has been copied to your clipboard.
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