of KENTROPOLIS Nov 3, 2021, The Grand Commandery of Alabama, Birmingham, February 25 26, 2022.         William L. Berryman Built using WordPress and the Highlight Theme, Texas Chapter, Order of Knights Preceptor, Registration for 2024 Holy Land Pilgrimage, Grand Commander Decision No. C: 251-404-5357. He was honored to serve Texas DeMolay Association as District Deputy State Master Councilor in 2003 and 2004. James C. McGee, GCT, Right Eminent Grand Captain General. 2012    Miles H. Sheerin C: 201-709-3268.         Samuel C. Lundy The fourth, and last, of the York Rite Bodies of Masonry, Commanderies of Knights Templar serves as the crowning glory in completing the Christian Path towards Masonic Light. SK Dan Pushee, EPC MA19, KCT, KGC,NA He was installed as Illustrious Knight Commander in 2009. These three chapters organized the Grand Chapter for Texas, by a call convention for that purpose March 14th 1883, therefore, the Grand Chapter of . The Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas - Home - Facebook Its purpose is Service. The Grand Commanders will be informed of any known deviation from the visitation schedule as listed. E: ltucker@knightstemplar.org. please answer this short survey about the Knight Templar magazine. Order, far beyond the call of duty, and beyond the service usually expected of an 1521 W. Boston Ave., Indianola, Iowa 50125-2120. Help the Grand Commandery raise some funds, just by. in Grand Commandery, Leadership. Developed by Bro.         Thomas G. Keithly (Affiliated) November 24, 1906 Page 1 Leading Mason Dead. 323 N. Colorado St., Port Lavaca, TX 77979-3405. Affiliated Member of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar, USA, PHA. April 15, 2023The Grand Commandery of Nebraska, Kearney, Sir Knight Bobby B. Simmons, GCT, Right Eminent Grand Treasurer. He attended school at Nederland ISD, and graduated from Lamar Read more, 2023Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas. 2023Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas. Application forms are available from the office of the Grand Recorder of the Grand Commandery of each Division or Division Chairman. The award is made only for exceptional and meritorious service rendered to the S.K. T: 515-961-3279. Please send any comments or questions regarding this Web site to. Ken Stuczynski He served Nederland Lodge at Worshipful Master in 2014. He was installed as Master Councilor the following year and was awarded the Past Master Councilors Meritorious Service Award. E: f_dutreil@cox.net. C: 434-953-8644. 2012    Jeffrey J. Miller Michael Burke Johnson, GCT, Most Eminent Grand Master, Congrats to SK and PGM Tx R:. Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons - Lone Star Chapter No. A Grand Commandery has some authority to prescribe the uniform in its own Jurisdiction.
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