The pawn shop owner brought suit and this case eventually went to the Arizona Supreme Court. Solar Electronic Plan Review - City of Glendale - Glendale, Arizona Zoning Ordinance. Chapter 6, Zoning Districts. A. To confirm zoning of land, buildings and or structures refer to the official zoning map located in the Planning Department, 2nd Floor, 5850 West . Show/Hide. Setback requirements influence the development of neighborhoods. Towns and cities across Arizona already have the authority and duty to regulate short-term rentals. The simple idea behind these laws is to keep residential and commercial buildings from being built too close together. endobj Their goal is to add value to each community. . This means many people think they can sort it out by attempting to discuss the matter directly with the other party and figure out a resolution. More information to come on how to register your property with the City of Glendale. Each space shall be independently accessible. Please limit your comments to a period of three minutes or less. All Rights Reserved. Learn how to avoid glitter with house rules and effective methods to clean it up. ft. in size. This chapter may be cited as the "Landscape Ordinance of the City of Glendale." (Code 1963, 30-1; Ord. It also would give purchasers fewer property rights. ARTICLE 6. Setback ordinances are laws which govern how close you can build to property boundaries. ]@KZd. Owners of vacation and short-term rentals in Glendale are required to provide the city with their owner and emergency contact information for each property. 1379 New Series, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the council of the City of Glendale, held on the 30th day of July, 1985, at which a quorum . 5. ft., the attached ADU cannot exceed 1,200 sq. This months Real Estate Pulse with Ben Gottlieb and AZ Big Media, Patrick MacQueen and Ben Gottlieb have been selected to The Best Lawyers in America 4 0 obj City of Glendale Development Services 5850 West Glendale Avenue Glendale, Arizona 85301-2599 Phone (623) 930-2800 occupying more than 33 percent of the plan view total roof area, not less than a 36-inch clear setback is required on both sides of a horizontal ridge. While the word 'setback' generally makes people think about an event that has halted progress towards a goal, the term is . }); This destination is supported by a local short-term rental organization! 5.914 - Findings. stream Park Finder. Please see below. So if you can build a unit for $275 a square foot, but the average value of homes in your neighborhood are worth $400 a square foot you are gaining instant equity through the project. FAQs: Do you need short-term rental insurance? City of Glendale, CA | Zoning Code. x}o7wA4ndw}X,,Y:H$b{ZNC>zcX*/zx?~_==.wOOw~//=]|\7_^[}M:./*ljH V9$?_)nJm+6R4/_|?U&j5Wv+gI V4^=*MvuhVOa Om7gfs"_~9K]3jwx^Yg;| ^u>@_W.N>Fv17VOOAW^//V[QgV`(oY 50, huFn,7Bm#vnE Fx_mq:al4bP./ZrI.8.h5: B~)1QQ~uBWVH>/%. Building upon the General Plan, the Zoning Code is considered the City's rule book for development. - Approval of plans. x?t`fx q`D[mxTU7/i$]ubu]^&;^m/}*:svqx. R324.6.2.1 Alternative setback at ridge.
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