Seeing her corpse atop her sleeping bag led the counselor to run for help, believing an accident had occurred. She had head injuries and her hands were tied behind her back. In May 2022, the Hayes authorities announced more DNA tests that took place in 2019 strongly pointed to Hart's involvement in the killings. Conducted by Joann Kihega, head of the OSBI's criminal DNA lab, the analysis began on Dec. 18, 2001, in the Oklahoma City OSBI office. They also made accusations of racial profiling and argued the evidence against Hart was circumstantial. They showed that Sonny was the only suspect who could not be ruled out as the contributor to the semen stain found on a pillowcase inside Micheles sleeping bag. During the day, the three girls had all participated in camp activities and written letters home to their families. Could it be that he was a heavy drinker inbetween times he was in jail? A Cherokee Indian, his relatives and friends successfully hid him for months. We also note that during the trial the Judge did hear evidence outside the jury's hearing concerning defendant's arrest and the advising of his constitutional rights. Fortunately, the women managed to untie themselves and raise the alarm. At the time of his death, Sonny was at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary at McAlester, Pittsburg County. Sheriff Says DNA Links Longtime Suspect To 1977 Girl Scout Murders - Yahoo A further link to the camp was made when it was discovered that part of the newspaper had been torn out and matched some found inside the red flashlight at the crime scene. Spotting three sleeping bags oddly strewn about 150 feet into the woods, she approached. A knife, identified as State's Exhibit Two, was introduced into evidence as having been found on the front seat of the defendant's automobile during the search. Just wondering. 138 [57-138]. 9 Defendant assigns as error the denial of his motion to suppress evidence about, and resulting from, defendant's statement to the officers admitting his guilt and telling them the location of his car which disclosed the property taken from Stewart's apartment. Gene Leroy Hart was convicted of kidnapping and assaulting two pregnant women in a separate incident, along with four counts of burglary. In May 2022, results of DNA testing carried out a few years prior using new techniques were made public. A thunderous cheer broke out from the relatives and supporters of Hart . She headed east towards Quapaw camp and the Staff House.
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