There are plenty of amenities, including a 50" indoor television, a 32" outdoor television, climate-controlled atmosphere and comfortable seating. Fenway Park luxury suites offer incredible services during every event.
Pavilion Reserved 15 at Fenway Park - Book your suite today!
ZTAxNmIzYmUwYzI3M2E2NDFlMThjYzY1OGRkZDU5ZjA0NDJmNzQ1MGNkMTZk OWNhMjIwMmM1MjJkOGMyYWQzZDg3NDZkZWJlZTQ0OGI1MjA3OGViYTc5MjUw aWduYXR1cmUiOiIyNTI3ZGZiMzI3MWIzNDI3NTc1MGIyZWNkMWU3NTIxNTI0 These box seats bring a luxurious experience and might offer some perks that you will love during the event. seats as part of our tour but I absolutely loved our in game seats. YmRiOWI1ODk2Y2RkYjJlYjM1MmE4NjQ2MzRlNyJ9 ZWViOThlM2ZjODhhNDMyZDlkNjJlZTk1NDRmYTI3Nzc4Mzg3ZDBmOTNhNmI1 NjIxN2I0ZjNjNTE5MDgzZWM3N2QyMmExMTY0ZDEzZmFlMzc1Mzk3NDJlMGVh 3630 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60613. Events, View all Sports NzA5ZmFiMWY5NDI4MDQzZTBjN2U2MmIyZjI0NzRlNDQyNDk2NTNkZmE5ZDVm Masataka Yoshida, Adam Duvall, and Alex Verdugo hold the fort in the outfield. Every fan with a ticket to an event at Fenway Park expects a unique experience. Other collectables include the #6 from the Green Monster scoreboard originally given to Johnny Pesky when he retired, a coffee table signed by numerous Red Sox legends, and much more. These lavish suites include their Pavilion suite located on the third-base side and the first base side of the field. MDAzYjk0NTZhYmVkYWQ0MmFhYzBmMTA3OGNjYjhhZWViYmZmM2ZhODg2Njlh Refer to the Fenway Park seating chart for your specific suite listing to decide the best way to get to your suite. 8.6. Pavilion Reserved sections at Fenway Park are located in the stadium's upper deck. Yes! MWFhZmY4OGYwMjFhZTcyYzJiMzA5NTUxNjVlNDFjMmQxYTk1MWY5YjU5NmZh This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. NzgyNTM4ZjY2MGVhNzQwMjBmZWM4NmE4NjAwZmYzMDU1ZmIyMmRhZmUyMTFi This stadium has a seating capacity of 37,000, constructed in 1911 and renovated and expanded from 1934 to 2017.
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