My personal fruit would be a radiation logia fruit. Users with specially transformed bodies that allow them to avoid or be immune regular attacks, such as the Gomu Gomu no Mi and Mochi Mochi no Mi users, can be hit by attacks imbued with Haki. [9], So far, only Zoan-type fruits can be artificially produced. The Gura Gura no Mi is considered to be the strongest Paramecia fruit due to possessing the ability to create massive shockwaves and tsunamis, giving it the power to potentially destroy the entire world; its strength is considered on par with that of a Logia fruit. It goes without saying that these Devil Fruits are extremely useful; however, some fruits are certainly a cut above the rest. However, this fruit does not allow the user to return to the past. Orko: That'll do! Eater emits a yellow energy that constantly drains victims of their energy. Loo-kee: It was Sal-ra and her friend Jeremy! Without a doubt, this Devil Fruit holds great power which remains to be explored completely. None at the moment. It is one of the most terrifying devil fruits as it has the capacity to destroy the world. Ikke desto mindre, lad ikke dette narre dig fra det faktum, at der er forskellige strkeste paramecia djvelfrugter, der kan skabe kaos i verden. With the powers of this devil fruit, the more creative the user is, the more he can utilize it to pull off impossible feats. This is typically best seen with experienced users in the New World, like Donquixote Doflamingo and Big Mom. Privacy Policy. They wanted to teach a moral in this series! Edit. It is another devil fruit with poisonous powers that shouldnt be messed with. This is exactly why it is one of the strongest paramecia devil fruits ever. Eaten by Donquixote Doflamingo, Ito Ito no Mi ranks among the most powerful Devil Fruits and it allows him to produce strings at will. This Devil Fruit is quite powerful, allowing the user to produce powerful toxins from their body. With their Devil Fruit abilities, both villains and allies alike are formidable opponents. They can either alter the user's current physical state (Luffy andBon Kurei), directly affect their immediate environment and/or living things within proximity (Eustass Kid,BluenoorWhitebeard), or affect both of these conditions (Jewelry Bonney,Trafalgar LawandEmporio Ivankov). Alternatively, the user may be able to change a property of their body, such as the Suke Suke no Mi allowing the user to turn invisible, or the Hira Hira no Mi letting the user make their body ripple like a two-dimensional flag. Paramecia is the only class of Devil Fruit that contains fruits with little to no use in battle, in contrast to Zoans which are suited for close combat and Logias whose transformations grant massive offensive and defensive power boosts.
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