Sociology of Education, 63, 44-61. Underachievement is a very complex situation with many possible interwoven causes. Operational definitions categorize a continuous variable (academic performance), thereby creating arbitrary divisions between achievement and underachievement at a certain cut-off point. 45-74). Whitmore (1986) suggested that the problem of gifted students who lack motivation to participate in school or to strive to excel academically is, in most cases, a product of a mismatch between the childs motivational characteristics and the opportunities provided in the classroom (p. 67). There was an increasing opposition between parents as the challenger became more authoritarian and the rescuer became increasingly protective (p. 355).
5 Factors Undermining Achievement in Gifted Boys Mickelson, R. A. Pirozzo (1982) asserted that, generally, about half of the gifted children who score in the top 5% of intellectual ability on individualized IQ tests do not demonstrate comparable school achievement. Giftedness, conflict, and underachievement. Future research should focus on evaluating the efficacy of both instructional and counseling treatments. Emericks study indicated that one type of effective intervention may be based on students strengths and interests (Renzulli, 1977; Renzulli & Reis, 1985, 1997). Toward explaining differences in educational achievement among Mexican American language minority students. Gifted children who are struggling academically present an unmet challenge for the educational system. The use of standardized achievement test scores also results in a certain amount of heterogeneity in the criterion variable. Exceptional Children, 24, 98-101. Gifted underachievers are especially prone to developing a poor self (1993). In addition, many professionals add a temporal dimension to the identification procedure (Mandel & Marcus, 1995). Do students underachieve because they come from families in conflict? Several common factors appeared to play a part in the students reversal of underachievement. Support for Learning, 13, 174-178. Krouse, J. H., & Krouse, H. J. ), Underachievement (pp. This approach (Renzulli, 1977) specifically targets student strengths and interests in order to help reverse academic underachievement (Baum, Renzulli, & Hebert, 1995b). Mansfield, CT: Creative Learning Press. Researchers proposing definitions in this category make no attempt to explicitly define or measure potential. Green, K., Fine, M. J., & Tollefson, N. (1988). Underachievers are students who exhibit a severe discrepancy between expected achievement (as measured by standardized achievement test scores or cognitive or intellectual ability assessments) and actual achievement (as measured by class grades and teacher evaluations). Webmajority of educators use in defining gifted underachievement. How can a gifted student also be an under-achiever? A longitudinal study of 35 culturally diverse, gifted urban high school students compared successful students to a similar group of high-ability students who did not achieve (Reis et al., 1995).
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