Erzulie Zye Wouj, "yeux rouges" [14], l'amoureuse jalouse. Elle aime les parfums, boit du rhum pur, mange du porc frit et fume des cigarettes sans filtre. Erzulie Cantor Erzulie-Yeux -Rouges.
Ti Jean Petro is her son and sometimes considered her lover or husband. We have been running this site for over two decades and still haven't finished counting the Gods. Erzulie Yeux Rouge or Erzulie Ge-Rouge (Red-Eyed Erzulie) Takes revenge on unfaithful lovers. Her colours are red, gold and navy blue. 7 stabs of the sword! Coquettish and very fond of beauty and finery, Erzulie Freda is femininity and compassion embodied, yet She also has a darker side; She is seen as jealous and spoiled and within some vodoun circles is considered to be lazy. Most Haitian women serve Dantor, and She is also the patron loa of New Orleans and so She is served by many there as well. Her "horses" cry tears of bitter sadness. According to the Sosyete du Marche, Inc.(an American Vodou House in Pennsylvania), ErzulieFreda is the sister of Ezili Dantor, and Her opposite in every way. Le symbole d'Ezili Dantor est un couteau. She is purity Her horses must be clean, dressed immaculately and scented with Her favorite Pompie lotion, before She will manifest in service. Give contextual explanation and translation from your sites ! Erzulie Wangol (Erzulie de la bannire sacre)
PURCHASE ONE-DAY PASS. Common syncretizations include Iyalorde Oxum as she relate to that Yoruba Vodu goddess of Erotic Love, Gold and Femininity. A Erzulie Mapiangue se la sincretiza con la Virgen y el Nio Jess de Praga, que llevan tnicas de terciopelo rojo a juego y coronas de oro.
invocation des 3 femmes d'egypte pdf Tambin conocida como Enzili-Ge-Rouge, Erzulie Red-Eye, Erzulie Yeux Rouge. There is also La Sirene which we have put under separate heading. It is the kind of tangible success that can pass between generations. Her syncretic iconographical depiction is usually based on that of the Virgin and Child, because she is the mother of Ti. There is never enough champagne (pink) or cakes (white with white frosting) or candies or clothing or jewelry to satisfy Her. Erzulie Dantor is the Voodoo Goddess of love, romance, art, jealousy, passion, & sex. C'est pourquoi il est si difficile de la faire travailler. Erzulie Dantor in her Pewto form is the 7 of wands, a fire element card. (Copyright notice.) This rent must be delivered annually, and with all due pageantry, to preserve the islands prosperity beneath Erzulies watchful graze. This is a feminist Loa family who display every aspect of femininity that could or would be expected, with suitable titles so that you know what mood they are in.
ERZULIE - the Haitian Goddess of Love (Vodou mythology) - Godchecker Erzulie is a Lwa within Haitian Voodoo considered the goddess of love and femininity. She is the lover of Genua's former ruler, Baron Saturday (Baron Samedi).
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