Place as an integrating concept in natural resource politics: Propositions for a social science research agenda, Society and Natural Resources, 16: 87-104. Published June 5, 2017. The image of the City of Gold Coast also poses questions regarding the value of place. After the devastating fires of 2019 Binna Burra Lodge is back, giving Gold Coast eco-tourism a great reputation. The changing face of local government on the Gold Coast, In C. Bosman, A. Dedekorkut-Howes and A. Leach (eds. In doing this, however, different people, or different groups of people, often come to value places in different ways to one another (Cheng et al., 2003). Planning legislation in the City of Gold Coast has historically favoured development rather than environmental conservation and heritage preservation (Bosman et al., 2016). It is ironic really, that tourism often destroys the very things that it relies on! It is today one of the last significant undeveloped public green spaces in the city. The Economic Impacts of Tourism on the Gold Coast [West, Guy, Bayne, Barbara] on Noise pollution from aircraft, cars, buses, (+ snowmobiles and jet skis etc etc)can cause annoyance, stress, and even hearing loss for humans. Improper waste disposal can be a major despoiler of the natural environment. The Gold Coast in Australia is one of these coastal places, which developed through taking advantage of its environmental assets, such as direct access to the sea, a white sandy shoreline, an extensive and naturally protected broadwater and several large accessible rivers. This would inevitably have had severe consequences for the wildlife living in the area. On the other hand, the new players, the European settlers, saw the region as one of plentiful resources, and good farming potential. Cruise ships are estimated to produce more than 70,000 tons of waste each year. (ed.) ), opposed by the steady resistance of the old players (save our Spit!). This pattern is immersed within the history of Southport as discussed below and the Gold Coast as a whole (see for example Whelan, 2006). In December 2020 a new public path was installed, weeds were removed and 1500 native ground layers were planted. Ten years of implementing Australias Oceans Policy: From an integrated approach to an environmental policy focus, Maritime Studies, March-April. It can put enormous pressure on an area and lead to impacts such as: soil erosion, increased pollution, discharges into the sea, natural habitat loss, increased pressure on endangered species and heightened vulnerability to forest fires. Tourists on expedition frequently leave behind their rubbish, oxygen cylinders and even camping equipment. Negative impacts from tourism occur when the level of visitor use is greater than the environment's ability to cope with this use within the acceptable limits of change. 20% said that growing Gold Coast tourism has positive affect on personal quality of life and 62% said that there is a positive effect on community as a whole. , Opladen/ Framington Hills, Barbara Budrich Publishers.
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