It should beep and automatically recognize the firmware update, Check that the firmware update is the same as the firmware update youve just tried to update. If its on the upper range, try lowering it slightly and trying again. At the same time, if its set too high for a high-detail print, you could lose details, resulting in a blurred finish and layer shifting. If the extruder already has filament but still doesnt work, then try getting rid of that batch and replacing it with a new one. ELEGOO Washing Bucket for Mercury Plus 2 in 1 Washing and Curing 3.How to update:Usually, you only need to update the files in the firmware file and copy the files to the root directory of the diskInserttheUdiskintotheprinterRestart the machine, the update file .SH4 will be updated automatically, after the successful update there will be a beeping sound and restart the machinePrinttheremainingfilestobeupdatedontheprinterinthefollowingorder: .CBD>.txt Whenthetouchscreendisplaysanerror,pleaseprintthe.binand.logofile. If your Mars Pro printer needs to level the build plate, please follow the steps below: Tools you need: M5 L-type Long Wrench, A4 paper Step 1: Fasten the rotary knob and loose the screws with the M5 L-type Long Wrench. Adding multiple drain holes to your hollowed print helps air to pass through, resin to leak out, and pressure to reduce further. Being the foundation of the entire model makes sure that the end is level before the printing process begins. Elegoo Mars 2 Problems : ElegooMars - Reddit Your prints should come off the FEP film easily with the Z-lift and a pop sound when the remaining part of the surface detaches from the film. You can also add manual support if your slicer doesnt add enough. If its lower or if it pushes into the LCD, you should re-level it. When the print is not firmly attached to the build plate, it may lead to the print falling back into the resin vat, especially if they are large and heavy prints. (See Picture 10). This will stop the rapid cooling. At the same time, caution has to be exercised to not raise the nozzle too high as that will lead to the filament solidifying before hitting the bed, causing serious deformities. You can double check recommended exposure against your resin type. ", English \ Deutsch \ Espanol \ Italiano \ , 3. Then, select FAT32, Slide a piece of paper onto the build plate, Use the menu to lower the Z-axis to home (Tool > Manual > Home), Tighten the screws, starting with the front screw then the side screw. If your normal exposure is too low, it can result in the cured resin being flimsy and weak.
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