", "Ed would have been here," Johnny said, "but he's in Hawaii.". Publishers Clearing House Confirms The Truth About Ed McMahon 'Mandela Effect', Photo: Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock, The "free-to-play, chance-to-win propositions", What It Means When People Talk About Misinformation Vs. Disinformation, How Those Tom Cruise Deepfakes Were (Probably) Made And Who Made Them, I Tried Deepfake App Wombo (So You Don't Have To), Fans Think Britney Spears Is In Trouble & Believe Her Public Appearances Are Being 'Faked' As A Cover Up, How The U.S. Government Used Forced Drug Addiction As A Mind Control Experiment, Inside TikTok Star Alix Earles Dating Life Shes Been Linked To Several Sports Stars, The One Time Madonna Censored Her Own VideoAnd Why She Felt She Had To Do It To Keep Her Kids Safe, psychological process known as confabulation, This Alternate Reality Theory Claims The World Really Ended In 2012. Ed McMahon Explain this to me. The Mandela Effect is when a large group of people share a common memory of something that differs from what is generally accepted to be fact. A lot of you here have seen my post regarding a lot of residue on Ed McMahon working for PCH, but my editor over 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYrjrlMh_Rg. They featured Americans being presented with large checks that could change their lives. I may not be old, but I'm old enough to remember when Ed McMahon and the Publishers Clearing House (PCH) Prize Patrol would show up on people's door steps to deliver them Big Checks for large cash prizes they'd won in the PCH sweepstakes. WebI have another theory at least about Ed McMahon Perhaps there was some kind of lawsuits between Publishers Clearing House and American Family Publishers Even though AFP is out of business perhaps PCH still has to follow the rules of lawsuit or pay money to whoever is related to the AFP ", For his part, Sloane says, "The 'residue' from sitcoms, Johnny Carson, news reports, etc. The Mandela Effect is when a large group of people share a common memory of something that differs from what is generally accepted to be fact. PCH has settled lawsuitswith all 50 states. The false memory that McMahon worked for Publishers Clearing House likely existed in the minds of many Americans for one or a combination of several reasons. ago. Of course not, because it would be a waste of time and money," Sloane explains further. McMahon said yes and told Green he handed out $110 million in prizes, sometimes with Clark alongside. LEFT OVER $10 MIL IN ESTATE, The story of the 2008 song that never existed, Skooky Things Episode 5: The ghost of the Miners Hospital, June 17, 1948: United Airlines Flight 624 crashes near Centralia PA, Skooky Things Episode 1: The Ghost of the Gordon Mountain, Sheppton PA was the site of an historic mine disaster in August 1963, Post apocalyptic mall retail: The revenge of main street, Legendary actor Richard Belzer dead at 78.
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