With more purchasing power people will tend to travel by flight, but also people become more quality conscious and hence prefer high fare airlines for better customer service. Low fare airlines also face the problems of overbooking and cancellations which add to their compensation expenses. Complementing its direct sales strategy is the paperless booking model. It also flies to more than 180 destinations in Europe (Mayer 2008). Ryanair V.S This target can be fulfilled with constant developments and widening of its low-fare services, without ignoring efficient operational services. Most of its income stems from selling flight tickets and the add-ons associated with them. In the beginning of 2011 the Board of EasyJet decided to start the practice of dividend payments during profitable phases without ignoring the fact that the company always needs to have a strong financial base with a strong balance sheet. resulting in high fees for airports. Ryanair Corporate Strategy Vs. easyJet: Competitive Strategy Analysis (Compare & Contrast Essay). Therefore, the company decided to use secondary airports, where their customers would get efficient services. 126 the perceived close relationship between total - Course Hero At this stage it is noteworthy that the total revenues for EasyJet have consistently grown year upon year by 16% and 30% over 2010 base year. All rights reserved. Vertical analysis measures all the items in terms of total revenue in the income statement and total assets in the financial position statement. "Ryanair Corporate Strategy Vs. easyJet: Competitive Strategy Analysis (Compare & Contrast Essay)." Since it trails Ryanair in market strength, in some airports, the company has allocated 29% of its seats to such facilities (CAPA 2014). The first international flight was launched in the year 1996 with aircraft whose sole ownership belonged to this airline and the route was from Luton to Amsterdam. Technology Airline industry is one sector that is highly dependent on technologies. Secondly, primary airports often choose not to work with low fare airlines as the latter do not need many services like aerobridges, elaborate check-in-service which is preferred by full fare airline companies. By swiftly adopting and adapting to advancements in technology, EasyJet can to a great extent counter the adverse impact of rising fuel costs, e. g. , the modern state-of-the-art aircrafts are significantly more fuel efficient in comparison to the older aircrafts of yesteryears. This has resulted in an overall increase of 7. Ryanairs inaugural flight had its daily route from Waterford in Ireland to London Gatwick. Today, the airline still reaps the benefit of being among the first airline companies, in Europe, to adopt the low-cost airline strategy. Researchers such as Kim and Mauborgne (cited in Thomson & Baden-Fuller 2010) have always supported a differentiated strategy, but these developments have proved them wrong.
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