However, generally, the more significant the substance abuse problem, the longer and more intense the required treatment program will be. Payment of fees is acknowledgement and agreement to the program rules and DUI evaluations involve in-person interviews that generally last around 45 to 90 minutes. A court-ordered evaluation typically consists of a detailed interview with a certified treatment provider. Credit Card Payment ONLY - MasterCard or VISA Accepted Only. DUI (driving under the influence), MIP (minor in possession) or any other Alcohol or Drug related charge, or employment reasons, etc may need to take an alcohol/Drug education program which can be available online for Florida. Completion of approved DUI Counter Attack School. DUI Counterattack offers two educational services required by the Florida DHSMV: Level I - This is reserved for first-time offenders and those who qualify for the Reducing Impaired Driving Recidivism (RIDR) program. Other states require the evaluation within a certain period of time after sentencing as a condition of probation or part of a diversion, deferred sentencing, or similar program. received within the (90) day period. This evaluation will be accomplished in part by having you complete questions concerning your drinking and/or drug use habits, questions about your personal life, and questions about your DUI history. Your appointments will be scheduled and emailed to your attention within 5 days of receiving your online registration. regulations. This is the end of page 3, which ends the rules and regulations, and you have to sign and date that you understand and received the rules. Dui Counterattack School - Driving Schools The DRI uses clear and consistent screening/evaluation criteria and provides a classification . Enter Discount Offer Code Below at Checkout. Failure to provide accurate information may result in additional program requirements and additional fees. Reset fees are established by Statute and are: Level 2 $60 (1. Evaluation Day: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday(AM) I affirm all information provided is accurate. The online course is taken at your convenience and at your own pace. 1530 US Highway-1, Suite #600, Rockledge, FL 32955 | OPEN GOOGLE MAP. How Does a DUI impact Car Insurance in Arizona? | The Zebra DUI evaluations are performed by licensed agencies or evaluators who are approved by the state. Si necesita servicios en espaol, comunquese con nuestra oficina para obtener ayuda. Per Florida Statute, you will be required to pay 100% of the enrollment fees and be required to begin the enrollment process again. which is included in your prepaid online enrollment fee. approved DUI program is statutorily required of individuals violating Florida's DUI laws. No sitting in a classroom. What to Expect During Substance Abuse Evaluation? - AION Recovery This course may fulfill your needs and do so from any computer with an internet connection. Please try again later. Chapter 15A-10, F.A.C., provides the FLHSMV with the authority to certify instructors, investigate complaints, and evaluate effectiveness of the programs.
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