However, the decision to perform surgery on both eyes simultaneously will depend on your dogs specific circumstances and the recommendation of your veterinarian. "Friday", This guide will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of dog cataract surgery to help you make an informed decision for your furry friend. Your dogs eyes will be sensitive after the surgery, so they have to be placed into a protective collar to keep them from rubbing them and causing damage. These tests include an eye ultrasound and an electroretinogram (ERG). The surgery may not have removed all the chunks of the cataract, which can lead to poor vision. One of the main drawbacks of dog cataract surgery is the cost. EXTRA CAPSULAR CATARACT SURGERY IN CANINE With lenticular sclerosis, the lens fibers become compressed and somewhat degenerative over time, resulting in translucency. Your veterinarian will evaluate your dogs overall health and age when determining if they are a good candidate for cataract surgery. Although This helpstodetermineifyour pet isa suitable candidatefor the surgery. But even if your dog isnt a good candidate for a lens implant, his vision will still be significantly improved (with the potential exception of a little trouble focusing on near objects). Pros and cons of cataract surgery for dogs - Excess sugar (glucose) in the lens is converted to sorbitol, which draws water into the lens. Learn more. The Only Locally-Owned Emergency and Specialty Hospital in Minnesota, Did You Hear That!? Sometimes: Surgery is too risky due to a dogs eye inflammation (uveitis), other health issues and/or a dogs inability to undergo general anesthesia. Regular follow-up appointments with your veterinarian will help assess your dogs progress and ensure their recovery is on track. Mature The cataract covers the entire lens and obscures the retina. Veterinary Partner. which is similar to human cataract surgery. The most notable alternative to cataract surgery is the use of anti-glycation medicine.
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