We dont assign seat numbers, so you can take any available seat on the bus. Persons who wish to file a civil rights or civil liberties complaint with CBP may do so by: ADDITIONAL HELP AND RESOURCES Alcoholic beverages | Transportation Security If you have a larger item that you need to ship, you can use our express shipping service. Our friends at Customs and Border Protection are in charge of the rules for bringing alcohol into the United States. Seriously the strong stuff isnt allowed in carry-on or checked bags! How much bulky baggage can I take with me? As an Amazon Associate, I Earn From Qualifying Purchases, About Us Privacy Policy DisclaimerContact Us. We dont let animals on board (not even Greyhound puppies). On the While most Greyhound buses do not have vending machines, some stations do have concession stands that sell snacks such as chips and candy bars. Las personas que deseen presentar una queja sobre derechos civiles o libertades civiles ante la CBP pueden hacerlo: American Civil Liberties Union(ACLU) (212) 549-2500 Greyhound allows each passenger to bring a limited number of bags on the bus. According to Greyhounds website, baggage that you carry onto the bus doesnt need a Greyhound tag. If youre carrying baggage that goes under the bus, you need only get a tag from the next station you stop at. For travel in Washington State, you may submit a complaint form to Greyhound if DHS, CBP or ICE agents board a Greyhound bus or conduct law enforcement activity at Greyhounds Washington State bus terminals. Whether you are traveling with craft beer, cougar juice or hard liquor, weve got you covered. Store in the baggage compartment before you enter the bus. So make sure you check the rules before you light up! If you need help with your baggage, just let us know. But no guns on the bus, even after a be-heading one year ago on one of their buses! Greyhound Lines, Inc. does not consent to warrantless immigration enforcement checks on its buses or in non-public areas of its terminals.
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