Tris prior knew that she didnt belong in Abnegation the night of her 13th birthday when she got caught kissing a girl. Please leave comments and feedback also! Even when theyre staring him down. Elizabeth is determined to become more than just her family's legacy. She finally finds a way to tell him without getting him upset. Summary too long for AO3: included at beginning of author's introduction (chapter 1), tldr: four and tris switched at birth and now tris hunky hunky with daddy issues. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Since my blood fell to the Dauntless coals that very first time, I knew this was something I'd willingly continue to bleed for, to kill for, to die for. **Note: The words in italics are that of Veronica Roth's. Eric Coulter. It wasn't something he could figure out yet Tris Prior met Peter Hayes when she transferred to his school. Is love really strong enough to overcome anything? Divergent high by Fourtris babies 205K 5.9K 58 Tris is pregnant and living on her own since her parents kicked her out. "I don't want to kill anyone either. Did you tell him? Tris struggles with knowing that she is good enough, she constantly companies hersel "Ah, perfect timing! AKA: Yknow that part where Tris and Tobias hang out with Marcus for a hot sec? Is there Beatrice [Tris] Prior- A good girl who gets good grades, stays at home, lives alone, and hates Four [Tobias] Eaton. Will surprising confessions put Tris in danger or will she create a bond with the last person she expects? Are you alright? After finding herself embroiled in violence on the street, and injured Tris stumbles back to Tobais's apartment, where he takes care of her injuries and comforts her. Should I take her to the Infirmary?. I should know, I work in the infirmary. Eric Coulter has been a Dauntless leader for ten years, successfully avoiding the antics of his Erudite leader mother even when assigned to work with her. Please consider turning it on! She goes through dauntless initiation having to handle things like family betrayal, guilt for living her truth, as well as a particularly annoying, and beautiful, candor initiate named Moly who she is competing with for 1st place. I look at him. But what happens when a monster tries to tell his own story? A generation before Tris', three Dauntless rose to the top: Tobias Eaton, Lauren Ashden, and Eric Coulter. Just please be careful!". Yes. "Ok I love Six." he smiles "I love you Four" she laughs. #trisprior. I give her the anti-nausea pills and some prenatal vitamins to keep the baby healthy. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Romance - Tris/Beatrice P., Four/Tobias - Chapters: 13 - Words: 43,103 . Yeah. Yet again I'm faced with a shocking lack of a story I crave so after only finding 3 fics dedicated to Eric Coulter (from the Divergent Series) Im forced to write one myself. She is also Zeke's younger sister. I included (Divergent from the perspective of Peter Hayes) The Erudite woman who administered her test told her it wasn't safe for someone like her even. The last time I showed my bravery I received first in my intiation. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. A bunch of imagines from different fandoms. Work Search: Is she and her friends going to live long enough to stop the war OK, the ending of the Divergent series was so sad, so I decided to write a new and happier ending/epilogue. To care for another human A short novella about Four and Tris.
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