Diomedes defeated the Messapians, and distributed their territory among the Dorians who had accompanied him. Athena favored two warriors heavily during all of the battles: Odysseus and Diomedes. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. He is regarded as the perfect embodiment of traditional heroic values. Odysseus. Translated by Horace Leonard Jones. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works This was another bonus of the night mission. [6], According to Hyginus and Pseudo-Apollodorus, Diomedes became one of the suitors of Helen and, as such, he was bound by the oath of Tyndareus, which established that all the suitors would defend and protect the man who was chosen as Helen's husband against any wrong done against him in regard to his marriage. 283, 284; Plin. The transgression of Diomedes by attacking Apollo had its consequences. According to the instructions of Helenus, Priam's wife gathered matrons at the temple of Athena in the acropolis and offered the goddess the largest, fairest robe of Troy. The worship and service of gods and heroes was spread by Diomedes far and wide: in and near Argos he caused temples of Athena to be built. Illustration. Then they went where Dolon had indicated, and having found the Thracian king, Diomedes let him and twelve of his soldiers pass from one kind of sleep to another; for they were all killed in their beds, while asleep. Rhesus was their king and Dolon described Rhesus horses in this manner; "His horses are the finest and strongest that I have ever seen, they are whiter than snow and fleeter than any wind that blows". While the others were sleeping inside their tents, king Diomedes was seen outside his tent clad in his armour sleeping upon an ox skin, already well-prepared for any problem he may encounter at night. Paris answers the Achaeans' act by wounding Diomedes with an arrow, thus sidelining the great warrior for the rest of the epic. Therefore, he gave it back to his enemy, Aeneas.[30]. Having said this, Diomedes cut off the prisoner's head with his sword, without giving him time to plead for his life. When, during the night, the two heroes were returning to the camp with their precious booty, and Odysseus was walking behind him, Diomedes saw by the shadow of his companion that he was drawing his sword in order to kill him, and thus to secure to himself alone the honor of having taken the Palladium. Diomedes believed that Troy was fated to fall and had absolute and unconditional faith in victory. ii.
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