I had to buy the rest, but the supplies were all under $10 each, so it wasnt expensive. Enjoy every daywith simple routines! I used to wake up and feel all foggy and groggy because I didnt have a plan or intention for the day. It is something someone does on occasion, or maybe built into a routine. If you dont want to use bleach, this is a great way to go about it: How I Shine My Sink. https://www.canva.com/design/DAD7NV2f2lU/bhWlY_Kdb1LZRFeWQUWP8w/view?utm_content=DAD7NV2f2lU&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton&mode=preview And another, to make your own kids' checklist! Menu plan 28 June 2022 , How's the month of June for you? Place on tables according to item (clothes, kitchenware, books, kids toys, sports equipment, etc). Pay a bill, send a birthday card, check your diary? She worked in the corporate world in Edinburgh and Luxembourg before moving to Read full bio Most A round up of my recent OOTDs = outfits of the day! And it starts with a whole Continue reading ONE WEEK decluttering ONE item! https://youtu.be/H6rjkhg6sG0 Would you like me to clean and declutter along with you in real time? Please refresh the page and/or try again. I usually choose my outfit the day before, when I'm putting away the day's laundry. The basic supplies youll need in your FlyLady home control journal are: One 3-ring binder (at least 1 inch thick) A pencil pocket in the binder Dry Erase Markers Plastic sheet protectors (at least 10, glossy), or a personal laminator Optional binder dividers Paper (any kind you have will do) The Binder WebDiane in Denmark View full playlist 49 Bathroom, basement, garden shed, garage - clean and declutter! Or do you need a nudge to get back on the wagon? I laminated these sheets and put one up on the refrigerator each month.
Diane In Denmark You just take your bike.
Blog I will add to the list as more ideas come in. My new Dr Marten boots! Seaswimming and Outfits of the Day 23 May 2021, FREE Printables and templates, Flylady Zone Ideas.
Menu planning Diane in Denmark Lifecoach. Thanks for the printables! Join us on Instagram! Join 1,936 other subscribers. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Happy Thursday! You have to learn and understand everything so everyone can take part and enjoy it. Snowdrops in our gardenpushing through the frozen ground! Continue reading My spring 2022 hairstyle! Grab that to start! But back to basicsdo you need some fast motivation This is only for aesthetics! Thanks! I would love to receive the free printables! Another real-life case study from my clients - tips to make the Flylady cleaning method/routines and the Getting Things Done system work for you!
Diane in Denmark Net Worth It's Flylady Continue reading Menu plan 22 March 2022 , On Tuesdays (Flyady "Plan and Play") I plan our menu for the week ahead. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxIYCyTLBED_P4L-PIj6cNRC2m1Mg3NbdBahookie Camp for a new, improved you! , Happy Monday! Daily inspiration and motivation! WebDiane in Denmark here! Hi Kenna! I signed up for the emails but havent received the printables yet. I was making my New Years Resolution and saw you on my feed. Zero waste exchange, Copenhagen.
I didnt see an option for those specifically. Minimalism, Flylady, hygge, capsule wardrobe, winterswimming linktr.ee/DianeinDenmark Posts Guides Reels Videos Tagged (I explain what I do on the different days of the Flylady Daily Focus in this video.) Minimalism, Flylady, hygge, capsule wardrobe, winterswimming linktr.ee/DianeinDenmark Posts Guides Reels Videos Tagged
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