Assuming the oscillations have a frequency of 0.50 Hz, design a pendulum that consists of a long beam, of constant density, with a mass of 100 metric tons and a pivot point at one end of the beam. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. [Caution: Students are suggested to consult Lab instructors & teachers before proceeding to avoid any kind of hazard.]. For the precision of the approximation sin \(\theta\) \(\theta\) to be better than the precision of the pendulum length and period, the maximum displacement angle should be kept below about 0.5. Kater's pendulum, shown in Fig. To determine the radius of gyration about an axis through the centre of gravity for the compound pendulum. ], ICSE, CBSE class 9 physics problems from Simple Pendulum chapter with solution, How to Determine g in laboratory | Value of acceleration due to gravity -, Simple Harmonic Motion of a Simple Pendulum, velocity of the pendulum bob at the equilibrium position, Transfers between kinetic & potential energy in a simple pendulum, Numerical problem worksheet based on the time period of pendulum, Acceleration, velocity, and displacement of projectile at different points of its trajectory, Satellite & Circular Motion & understanding of Geostationary Satellite. The experiment was conducted in a laboratory indoors. The value of g for Cambridge MA is 9.8038 m/s2.Alternatively, one can set up a photogate and time the period of a swing with a laboratory frequency counter. We are asked to find the torsion constant of the string. 1 The reversible pendulum was first used to measure g by Captain Henry Kater: H. Kater, Philos Trans Roy Soc London 108, 33 (1818).2 B. Crummett, The Physics Teacher 28, 291 (1990).3 Sargent-Welch Scientific model 8124 It's length was measured by the machine shop that made it and has the value 17.9265" stamped on its side. This research work is meant to investigate the acceleration due to gravity "g" using the simple pendulum method in four difference locations in Katagum Local Government Area of Bauchi State. Using a simple pendulum, the value of g can be determined by measuring the length L and the period T. The value of T can be obtained with considerable precision by simply timing a large number of swings, but comparable precision in the length of the pendulum is not so easy. In this experiment, we measured \(g=(7.65\pm 0.378)\text{m/s}^{2}\). When a physical pendulum is hanging from a point but is free to rotate, it rotates because of the torque applied at the CM, produced by the component of the objects weight that acts tangent to the motion of the CM.
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