As long as you run a P-delta analysis you don't need to be worry about if it is sway or non-sway since if it is nonsway then according to ACI-318 10.12 we have k=1 and Mc=Delta ns *M2 which is completely the same as etabs. You need to investigate each column if it fails in flexure and shear. (1997). The Wind and the earthquake loads are applied perpendicular to the building axis. Mustafa, S. A. Powered by Invision Community. Thank you for helping keep Eng-Tips Forums free from inappropriate posts.The Eng-Tips staff will check this out and take appropriate action.
Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns - ACI and ETABS - Studylib Abdallah, M. H., Shazly, M., Mohamed, H. M., Masmoudi, R., & Mousa, A. Column heights ranging from 17.5' (5334 mm) to 20' (6096 mm) are substantially considered as slender columns. Pc is calculated for each column in the story of the column being designed and then Pc is calculated for the given story. So, if (klu/r)/(34-12M1/M2) is less than 1.0, then the column will not show any slenderness effect. Therefore, it will not be wise to judge slenderness by the only variation in the PC and the kl/r. For P-delta effect its needed to divide columns to 3 sections at least. Similar to the corner column, a drastic change is observed when column height is increased from 17.5' (5334 mm) to 20.0' (6096 mm) for the edge column. Figure 04: Column Summary Results Showing a Failing Column. UnderGround Water Tank? What is a UGWT? Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. (2017). is greater than 40.0 for one column in the 15'x15' (4572 mm x 4572 mm) size panel. EasyDeltaNS plugin for ETABS (FREE DOWNLOAD) engr.kristian 370 subscribers Subscribe 1K views 2 years ago EasyDeltaNS is a simple plugin for Etabs that easily extracts and locate columns with. If the total moment including the secondary moment reaches the ultimate capacity of a section, the column fails to owe to material failure. You can have that amount with normal mixing. From the BNBC table titled Basic wind speeds for selected locations in Bangladesh, the Basic Wind Speed (, From the Seismic Zone Map of Bangladesh, the Seismic Zone Coefficient (, According to the BNBC, the site soil characteristic is considered as, Table.1 shows the floor panel sizes, column positions, column heights, column sizes, and periphery beam sizes, which are used for the parametric study.
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