[75], Type Ia supernovae can be used as standard candles to measure extragalactic distances, which can in turn be used to measure how fast the universe has expanded in the past. Kakine Teitoku (Toaru Majutsu no Index) can create and manipulate his personal Dark Matter, which is a matter that has yet to exist until he creates it. Power/Ability to: Manipulate darkness. In practice, the term "dark matter" is often used to mean only the non-baryonic component of dark matter, i.e., excluding "missing baryons". Distance, mass, precision, max power, etc. ScienceDaily. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily, its staff, its contributors, or its partners. [95][96] Solitary black holes, neutron stars, burnt-out dwarfs, and other massive objects that that are hard to detect are collectively known as MACHOs; some scientists initially hoped that baryonic MACHOs could account for and explain all the dark matter.[97][98]. The results support the Lambda-CDM model. These include modified Newtonian dynamics, tensorvectorscalar gravity, or entropic gravity. When exposed to the Confiscation Field in the Citadel, the Gravity Gun is "supercharged" rather than being vaporized as other weapons are. Control, discipline, and restraint are extremely important. Although WIMPs have been the main search candidates,[15] axions have drawn renewed attention, with the Axion Dark Matter Experiment (ADMX) searches for axions and many more planned in the future. The description could be: Dark Matter is a hypothetical form of matter that is thought to account for approximately 84% of the universe's mass and 23% of its mass-energy.
Most Powerful Matter Manipulators - Comic Vine [116] Nonetheless, research and theories proposing dense dark matter accounts for dark matter continue as of 2018, including approaches to dark matter cooling,[117][118] and the question remains unsettled. This could produce a distinctive signal in the form of high-energy neutrinos. Later, small anisotropies gradually grew and condensed the homogeneous universe into stars, galaxies and larger structures. An alternative approach to the detection of dark matter particles in nature is to produce them in a laboratory. [70] If there were only ordinary matter in the universe, there would not have been enough time for density perturbations to grow into the galaxies and clusters currently seen. Following Babcock's 1939 report of unexpectedly rapid rotation in the outskirts of the Andromeda galaxy and a mass-to-light ratio of 50; in 1940 Jan Oort discovered and wrote about the large non-visible halo of NGC3115. A darkness so dense it sucks in everything. In 1939, Horace W. Babcock reported the rotation curve for the Andromeda nebula (known now as the Andromeda Galaxy), which suggested the mass-to-luminosity ratio increases radially. A challenge for this model is the lack of particle candidates with the required mass 300eV to 3000eV. Opposite of Mirror Matter Manipulation and Matter Manipulation . The different scale factors for matter and radiation are a consequence of radiation redshift: for example, after gradually doubling the diameter of the observable Universe via cosmic expansion in General Relativity, a has been doubled. Advanced Umbrakinesis practitioners can actually cause entire cities or countries to fall into total darkness, just using the power of their mind. Astral Projection Minor 5. The source of Quintessence, Chi, Aura, and Mana.
Understanding the Dark Psychology of Manipulation | Psychreg
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