endstream endobj startxref Firstly, the water tap was opened to let water into the condenser. Obtain an IR of YOUR product using the salt plates. endobj Obtain GC-MS for product with your instructor a. 161) into a 50 mL round bottom flask (small neck) and cautiously add 85% phosphoric Then the flask was swirled to mix the content. decomposition of the molecule with the leaving group. Terms in this set (23) purpose. The diol synthesized can then be transformed to carboxylic acid, ketone or aldehyde according to the applied conditions. The anti-bumping granules are added when the liquid is cold. the placement of your thermometer. Chromatography displays how polluted it is with different liquids. Bromine is toxic and corrosive, especially in its state. 0000003130 00000 n This, water had to be separated so a separatory funnel was used to separate the two and it is, very possible that some cyclohexene was also removed along with the water. In this experiment from 6.0 mL of cyclohexanol, 2.29 grams of cyclohexene is produced. As the result, almost none of water can dissolve in the cyclohexene so we can extract out the all-high purity synthesized cyclohexene. %PDF-1.6 % Saturated sodium chloride is lower water potential solution so water in the organic layer can diffuse to the saturated salt solution. The out of plane bending peaks tell us that the sample Lab report cyclohexene - Dehydration Cyclohexanol CHM3003 - Studocu The phosphoric acid is a catalyst and as such increases the rate of reaction but does not affect the overall stoichiometry. during the 1st step of the reaction mechanism the OH is protonated forming a good leaving group. Hydroxyl group is poor leaving group, sulfuric acid is used , in this way the hydroxyl group pulls off proton from sulfuric acid and a protonated cyclohexanol is obtained. hb```,B eah``9|BabnnGk[[AN\Qz"H9CGn'= @d i$H3v 6A BSFOvaLWa>Al3433,oL"U B3 Boiling points were at 63 to 69 degrees as first drop occurred at 66 degrees. 7. What is/are the significance of these reactions? Instructor Test Bank. This still head was connected with a screw cap with a 150 thermometer whose still head was located at the mouth of the condenser. 2Two oxygen atoms of the permanganate ion bond to 2 carbon atoms, which doubly bond together, then the bonding between these oxygen atoms and the manganese atom are then broken. 0000011487 00000 n 2021-22, Kami Export - Jacob Wilson - Copy of Independent and Dependent Variables Scenarios - Google Docs, 1-3 Discussion- Population, Samples, and Bias, SCS 200 Applied Social Sciences Module 1 Short Answers, EDUC 327 The Teacher and The School Curriculum, EMT Basic Final Exam Study Guide - Google Docs, Focused Exam Alcohol Use Disorder Completed Shadow Health, Test Out Lab Sim 2.2.6 Practice Questions, Chapter 2 - Summary Give Me Liberty!
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