Analyzing & Comparing Brands of Bottled Water Excess acid in the diet can also lead to acidosis, which causes negative systemic side effects. This includes impurities that can affect the color, taste, or smell of your water. In fact, one clinical trial involving rats detected damage to the myocardial muscle following the consumption of alkaline ionized water.20-22. WebVoss, a Norweigan brand of bottled water, is marketed as spring water for the ultimate purist yet offers a low pH of about 6.92. Volvic is bottled exclusively at its source, the Clairvic Spring. The glacial water is sourced from crystal-clear runoff streams that run along the glaciers and snowfields of the Rocky Mountain range. Last medically reviewed on January 16, 2018. Essentia bottled water is high in pH with a pH value of 9.5. Artesia water contains a natural blend of essential health giving minerals and a naturally balanced 7.6 pH. WebThe FDA periodically inspects the Crystal Rock production facilities and examines the companys compliance with applicable federal bottled water regulatory standards. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Here is a pH chart of various bottled water brands for your reference. *The pH tests performed were recorded manually and tested with the same electronic testing device, and they are not necessarily conclusive. This probably won't do much if you consume just a little bottled water, but if you drink a lot of extremely purified water it will rob your body of significant amounts of its healthy, essential minerals that it needs. Table I and Figure 1 show that most of the waters tested had an acidic pH. Alkaline water has a higher pH level than that of plain tap water.
Bottled Water Healthline discerns that a "safe" pH range is 6.5 to 8.5 anything less could mean heavy-metal pollution. Read more on how to maintain good kidney health. The addition of minerals to Crystal Geyser Bottled Water also helps to increase the alkalinity of the water, thus making it slightly more alkaline than regular tap water. The pH balance of LIFEWTR ranges between 6.4 to 7.4, which makes it slightly less acidic than standard tap water. I'm an investigative journalist with an appetite to cover anything and everything. How to remove objects from photos via Object Removal app? It's a potentially toxic mineral when consumed in anything more than just trace amounts. An unbalanced diet, the environment, and stress can lead to increased acidity, which can put additional strain on your internal organs. To ensure optimal health, one should drink the recommended eight glasses of water per day, of which no more than eight ounces should be added sugars or sugary beverages.
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