Upgrades from cesspools are required by DOH under the following circumstances: Does my cesspool discharge into groundwater? 11. endstream endobj 332 0 obj <> endobj 333 0 obj <> endobj 334 0 obj <>stream In order to determine the erosion rates of different areas around the island, the County has partnered with the University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program to conduct an assessment on Climate Change and Coastal Hazards in Kauai and to provide data regularly. ZjgyOTI1ZjcyYjUzYWYzNDUzYWJmOWI4MTM2Y2IyNGJjOWNhYTFjMDNlNDg0 Thank you for visiting the Hawaii County, HI Planning. What will it entail to do that? Hawaii defines a "legal fence" as one that it is not less than four feet in height and made of stone; posts and rails; posts and boards; posts and wire; or other suitable materials. endstream endobj 327 0 obj <>/Outlines 10 0 R/Metadata 22 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/Pages 21 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/StructTreeRoot 24 0 R/Type/Catalog/LastModified(D:20091229084016)/PageLabels 19 0 R>> endobj 328 0 obj <>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 329 0 obj [/ICCBased 348 0 R] endobj 330 0 obj <> endobj 331 0 obj <>stream eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiZDc5ODIyMzkxNTU3N2I3NzFmOTRlMGU0OWJhNzQ3OTI1 Kelly Arita. EXAMPLE: Coastal setbacks on the island of Kauai (USA), Adaptation or improvement of dikes and dams, EXAMPLE: Beach drainage in Quend-Plage (FR), EXAMPLE: Beach recharge at Pevensey Bay (UK), EXAMPLE: Foreshore sand replenishment (DK), EXAMPLE: Beach Scraping in Emilia-Romagna (IT), Dune strengthening, rehabilitation and restoration, EXAMPLE: Dune rehabilitation in Praia de Faro (PT), EXAMPLE: Dynamic dune management, Terschelling (NL), EXAMPLE: Managed Retreat at Surfers Point, California (USA), EXAMPLE: Relocation in Criel sur Mer, Normandy (FR), EXAMPLE: Relocation of Clavell Tower, Dorset (UK), Combination of groynes and beach nourishment, Clacton (UK), EXAMPLE: Artificial Island - Amager Beach, Copenhagen (DK), EXAMPLE: Titchwell Marsh (UK) seawalls and managed realignment, EXAMPLE: Seawall at Skara Brae, Scotland (UK), Spatial Planning and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), EXAMPLE: A participatory adaptation planning approach, Cascais (PT), EXAMPLE: Developing an Attica Wetland Action Plan (GR), EXAMPLE: Concept of flood proof mooring in a Marina (GER), Marsh vegetation in intertidal and coastal zone, EXAMPLE: Wallasea Island Wild Coast project (UK), Protecting and restoring reefs (coral and oyster), EXAMPLE: Early warning system in Sogn og Fjordane (NOR), EXAMPLE: London Mass Evacuation Framework (UK), EXAMPLE: Risk Communication in Kiel (Ger), The island of Kauai, Hawaii's progressive shoreline setback and coastal protection ordinance, A PROGRESSIVE, BALANCED COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SETBACK ORDINANCE ON THE ISLAND OF KAUAI, HAWAII: IMPLEMENTATION AND LESSONS LEARNED.
South County High School Student Death 2021, Articles C