I airbrush most of the weapon vallejo Electric Blue, aiming for more coverage towards the edges. I have a bad issue: when I paint with gold, it either go transparent or stick very thickly and destroy all the fine details. I do not remember the exact colors or ratios I used to render my sweet daughter on canvas. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Everyone has their own secret sauce for the gold on their Custodes. Start highlighting the majority of the armour in Citadel Mournfang Brown. Ive personally used this one a lot, but thats because I painted up a ton of Blue Armored Ultramarines. I highly recommend Retributor Armour as the gold metallic paint that can handle almost all your gold painting needs (unless youre looking for a less-warm toned metallic). You will, however, be spending a lot more money to wash an entire army of Custodes using this method. My paintscheme for Zarbaj and his Jitz involves a lot of purple and yellow, so I forewent the typical reds and oranges you see Squigs come in, and went instead for a pinkish purple. My painting style uses drybrushing, glazing, and washes to get a look that incorporates a lot of depth without much effort. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. You want the darker pigment to flow into recesses, and the higher levels ideally will look more or less uniform. A single layer of contrast paint will be very translucent and the undercoat will make a huge difference on the final appearance, especially for lighter colors. Perfect for old, decayed bones, parchment, cloth or light tan leather. Absolutely. Here is his video on Eavy Contrast Stormcast. Im still using a majority of my normal acrylic paints, but I would say I use contrast on each miniature I paint. There's nothing wrong with Retributor Armor via brush. Stegadon gold details : Retributor Gold, Agrax Earthshade wash At the end of the evening, the Stegadon was finished! While Griffin was supposed to be a bit of base decor, I instead gave him his own 20mm square base to roam around in.
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