Search can now be used to lookup plan status for retail food, recreational health, and land use program customers. Graffiti is a serious problem that creates visual blight and diminishes property values. Concord, CA 94520 [ Map & Directions] 925-608-5500. Costs, Photos of projects designed and built with Housable, Photos of completed projects designed by Housable. throughoutthis document To obtainaContraCostaCountyBuildingPermit theapprovedplansmustbe takentothe County BuildingDepartment651 PineStreet Martinez CAphone 9256464108or1191 CentralBlvdSuiteC Brentwood CAphone 9254278850Pleasenote if youare on the same lot as the accessory dwelling unit but must otherwise comply with the Setbacks: Setbacks for a detached new construction Accessory Dwelling Unit shall be no more than 4 feet from the rear and side lot lines. Central San's Septic to Sewer (S2S) program provides low-cost financing to help homeowners connect to the public sewer system and properly abandon their septic tank. Here you will find the Ordinances and Regulations for wells. Electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits are required for a structure that may not require a building permit. If a small lot qualifies for occupancy Any shed higher than 10 feet in height needs to follow zone setbacks. Check with your local building department to find out what's needed in your area. Here you will find the Applications and Forms related to Wells and Soil Borings. The Code Enforcement Program enforces the building and zoning ordinances for the unincorporated areas of Contra Costa County. Copy Link, State Standards don't specify design restrictions. Chapter 18.150 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Conveyance and Division Restriction. 8) Private pools that are not properly secured from children gaining access to them. Contra Costa Centre, CA. There are two categories of plan reviews. Through the soil profile, evaluation of the soil layers will indicate the suitability of the soil for a septic system drainfield and direct observation of the pit show evidence of shallow groundwater levels or other limiting layer. PLANNING DIVISION REQUIREMENTS - Contra Costa County, California The minimum size of any living unit (including Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)s and JADUs) is 150 square ft. according to California Residential Code. a detached accessory dwelling unit, the garage may not exceed the following sizes: Five hundred square feet on lots of twenty thousand square feet or less in all zoning YardSetback. This is initiated with a Notice to Comply letter. primary residence and an accessory dwelling unit is ten thousand square feet. 84-22.1006 - YardRear. if necessary to comply with the off-street parking requirements applicable to the Yes. Address: 2120 Diamond Boulevard Suite 100. Ministerial Review. Wells: The Land Use Program protects the groundwater of the county by reviewing the plans for well designs, issuing permits for the construction and destruction of wells and soil borings, and conducting inspections during drilling to make sure wells and soil borings will be installed or destroyed in a way that doesn't contaminate the county's groundwater. the yard and setback requirements of Divisions 82 and 84 are met, or a variance has been granted for yard and setback requirements, and (2) the lot is delineated on a recorded subdivision map .
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