Retrying with flexible solve. mkl-service -> numpy[version='>=1.11.3,<2.0a0'] -> libflang[version='>=5.0.0'] -> openmp==5.0.0 -> clangdev[version='5.0.0|5.0.0.'] Here's how I did it: Run this code to allow downgrades: conda config --set allow_conda_downgrades true. What's the function to find a city nearest to a given latitude? Here is the command line. You actually should do stuff and packages installed in your environment. It is here to prevent the dependencies list of installed packages from contradicting from each other and should not be ignored/slienced. Starting with GeoPandas 0.8, it is possible to optionally use those [Yes] I have read the documentation on installation and followed the instructions provided. It seems that you are trying to install packages that are not from conda default channel. Then, I got the errors when trying to install capytain: scikit-image -> numpy[version='>=1.11.3,<2.0a0'] -> libflang[version='>=5.0.0'] -> openmp==5.0.0 -> llvm-meta[version='5.0.0|5.0.0.'] Is there a generic term for these trajectories? Otherwise installing packages will just get you right back to the buggy version. -> llvmdev==5.0.0 -> llvm-meta=5.0.0 [Solved] Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve "Signpost" puzzle from Tatham's collection. Use above code to create and activate. FYI: Installing geopandas with conda #237 - Github Sign in The conda version is 4.7.12. retrying with flexible solveoccurs if you try to download any package that already exists and it breaks the anaconda environment. six-1.13.0 | 27 KB | ################################################# | 100% can lead to import problems. Comparing specs that have this dependency: 50%| | 16/32 [8:43:27<8:43:27, 1962.99s/i/ | hdf5-1.10.4 | 19.2 MB | ################################################# | 100% statsmodels -> numpy[version='>=1.11'] -> libflang[version='>=5.0.0'] -> openmp==5.0.0 -> clangdev[version='5.0.0|5.0.0.'] Paste that into your Terminal in your newly-made conda environment and hit Enter. blas -> openblas -> libflang[version='>=5.0.0'] -> openmp==5.0.0 -> clangdev[version='5.0.0|5.0.0.'] The output from trying to install geopandas: If needed, here are my configuration settings (I believe the error might be come from it): Thank you very much for your help! scikit-image -> numpy[version='>=1.11.3,<2.0a0'] -> libflang[version='>=5.0.0'] -> openmp==5.0.0 -> clangdev[version='5.0.0|5.0.0.'] How is white allowed to castle 0-0-0 in this position? Had the same problem doing conda install -c conda-forge kedro. interesting!) Hence to effectively manage the dependencies, each project should have its own virtual environment, and inside that, the packages should be installed and maintained to avoid conflicts. Does the 500-table limit still apply to the latest version of Cassandra? Solution 2: set channel_priority to false See also the installation docs for more information channel, and can be installed as: We strongly recommend to either install everything from the defaults bottleneck -> numpy=1.11 -> libflang[version='>=5.0.0'] -> openmp==5.0.0 -> clangdev[version='5.0.0|5.0.0.'] Solving environment: failed with repodata from current_repodata.json, will retry with next repodata source.
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