314-337. An MA is understood as the task carrier of management accounting practices and, especially in the past two decades, it is propagated that MAs have developed from traditional bean counters to business partners (Granlund and Lukka, 1997; Jrvenp, 2007; Sorensen, 2009). The development of IT systems has changed interpersonal relations when communication takes place through integrated tools with less face-to-face interaction (Azan and Bollecker, 2011). Brewer, M.B. Because of different foci, interests and time dimensions, multiple identities can evolve during change processes and the debate about the hybrid MA refers directly to multiple identities. 5, pp. 20-39. Besides the current identity, also the desired future identity frames the interpretations of MAs (Taylor and Scapens, 2016; Morales, 2019). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Importance of Accounting. MAs acting more as bookkeepers may judge this as a personal failure undermining their self. 1075-1099. These perceptions are particularly recognizable within the discussion of the individual aspects, for instance, their struggle with multiple identities, inner conflicts, incompatible competencies, multiple and desired identities. 6. Management accounting helps in analysing and recording financial information which can be used by a company to increase its efficiency and productivity. MAs), European division of a large US multinational, 2 firms from the construction and property development sector, 33 interviews with 25 store managers, system analysts, and accountants, 1 leading UK-based department store retailer, 77 different organization with at least 50 employees from different sectors, Theory of organizational knowledge creation and learning, 6 Finnish companies in different industries, 43 managers and MAs from different countries, 1 German manufacturing firm, present in 34 countries, 117 independent and 162 dependent organizations, mainly in manufacturing industry, Professional associations and educational institutions, occupy different positions in various countries which results in low or high recognition as a profession, influence identity and statements of MAs, are essential for identity reconstruction, support the diffusion of the business partner which has developed as a legitimate template for MAs, improve purposively the status of professionals in order to distance modern MAs from bean counters, influence MAs orientation and daily work, are less discussed but can hinder change of MAs, may not work with the business partner model, may raise conflicts between management support on the one hand and compliance and control orientation on the other hand, is changing positively (from a historical viewpoint), focuses on the bean counter stereotype as a dominant representation of MAs, is influenced by negative descriptions of the bean counter image, of the business partner appears attractive, influences the image of MAs within organizations, and stereotypes influence identity, role change and self-concept, is low when MAs are compared to other professionals, influences MAs identification with the organization and the profession, Company size determines the scope of MAs profession, Other factors such as capital market orientation, ownership, industries, organizational level of MA function, contextual uncertainty and the use of the budgetary system, do not preclude very homogeneous discourse of MAs about their occupation, values and general orientation, Financial distress of organizations can increase importance of MAs, are actively developed and implemented by MAs, effect changes in MAs roles, identities and interactions styles, can lead to devaluation of MAs if relied on too intensively, between MAs and managers are especially decisive, would benefit from a mutual understanding of business partnering but is impaired by different attributed meanings, influence values and interactions, thus identity or role, make MAs identify stronger with their workgroups than with occupational group, are represented by diverse foci, interests, and time dimensions, as manifestation of the involvement-independence dilemma, caused by conflicting, ambiguous, over- and underloaded expectations of managers, despite or as a result of the idea of business partnering, getting more important (especially social competencies), of MAs are influenced by technological progress, of MAs reflect skill gaps (e.g., business analytics), that are requested are perceived as incompatible by MAs, manifests itself in business partnering, may conflict with current and day-to-day identity, is threatened by perceived low-prestige activities.
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