They will not let the interest of men stay with Christ. Revelation 4 - Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes - As the high-soaring intelligence, the eagle, forms the contrasted complement to practical labor, the ox bound to the soil; so holy judicial vengeance against evil, the lion springing suddenly and terribly on the doomed, forms the contrasted complement to human sympathy, the man. As the communication respecting the seven churches opened with a suitable vision of the Lord Jesus as Head of the Church, so the second part opens with a vision suitable to the matter to be revealed. 2 On the fifth of the Enduring Word Bible Commentary Revelation Chapter 4 10Weigh out twenty shekels[g](DR) of food to eat each day and eat it at set times. Ezekiels Vision of God - Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on Ezekiel 1:1220 suggests that they are in constant motion around the throne. Essentially Christ is God; but revelationally, and for particular purposes of manifestation, He is apprehended as the Son of God, and as Son, He must not be confused with the Father, or, in any sense, put in His place. The reference is to future events; and the meaning is, that there would be disclosed to him events that were to occur at some future period. But which shall happen hereafter both to my church and to her enemies: from which it appears, that God did not here show his prophet the destruction of Jerusalem, for that was already past, in the time of Titus Vespasian the Roman emperor, about the year 69, or 70, after the incarnation; this (as all confess) was in Domitians time, about the 11th or 12th year of his reign, about twenty-six or twenty-seven years after that was past, which makes the notion of two late annotators very strange. II. WebIn Ezekiel, the living creatures EACH have 4 faces; in Revelation, they each only have 1 face. of The point of union between the two views given above is: Christ is the perfect realization of the ideal of man; Christ is presented in His fourfold aspect in the four Gospels respectively. Simcox suggests that the tenses in this book may be accommodated to the rules of Hebrew rather than of Greek grammar. The other, the Son, who is the secondary cause, easy to be approached, in that he is God and man in one person; Re 5:5-9. But in Revelation this is deferred until the glory of THE LORD fills the earth, His enemies having been destroyed [BENGEL]. The Eternal Throne and its Surroundings.From the very first, and still, there will be found a side of peril in the very intensity with which the Lord Jesus Christ is presented to us. Ezekiels revelation of the temple was imparted to him on the 19 th Jubilee of Israel since they had crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land under Joshua. The first has the appearance of a lion; and the lion is the king of wild beasts, and an image borrowed from him is indicative of power, strength, sway.
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