Your email address will not be published. ControlLogix DF1 Messaging to SLC 500 - Bryce Automation, Even though we are going to be talking between two emulator controllers, the setup will be basically the same as it would be for talking between two ControlLogix controllers. In other words, the data transfer speed may be impacted by multiple factors thus making it somewhat unreliable. By using a GRT Instruction, we can trigger the MSG Instruction once per cycle of our timer. Thank you so so much for posting this excellent solution to a complex problem. Look at steps A and B on the documentation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. So we will choose CIP Data Table Read. The #1 platform for automation training and workforce development. 0000006019 00000 n
The reason for this is for troubleshooting. Ok, so we are going to read 10 elements of the PRODUCE_DATA array from PLC 2 and place it into the first 10 elements of the CONSUME_DATA array in PLC 1. Contact us: You can view our Privacy Policy here and Terms here. Cookies are important for this site to function properly, to guarantee your safety, and to provide you with the best experience. Specifically EtherNet/IP. The message will be a Peer to Peer write, and the control block is N9:0. Next, well say we have a second chassis with an EN2T in slot 5 with an IP of Also, it is more efficient with using multi-cast communication when communicating with more than one processor. Leave a comment. 0000006175 00000 n
Its absolutely the best PLC training offer on the internet right now. When the DHRIO receives a message from a 5/04, it will then pass that data to the processor. Join SolisPLC and get started with our free courses. Perfect place to start. Also, if we only need to gather data one time per day, we would use the MSG instruction. Remember that in CIP Paths, " 2 " is the Network port and " 1 " is . The 2 which you see at the start of the path definition calls out the fact that were communicating over the backplane first. If the target processor is already in your I/O configuration tree, you could just browse for the processor. Resetting fuses on the ControlLogix 1756-OB16E module. If all of that is in place, I dont see why it wouldnt work. 0000005210 00000 n
CompactLogix Controllers Technical Documentation - Rockwell Automation I always recommend reading values from another processor (vs writing). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Next, we specify the target IP, which is, then we go to the backplane with 1, and then 6 to slot 6. Back on Step B, we will be going into the ENBT on the target chassis, so specify the IP of the target module, Im trying to communicate with a Micro820 controller on the same network. Since the Micro820 used a completely different software for programming, I wanted to test and make sure that data could be shared with other Rockwell controllers. You cant write BOOLs into REALs. Ricky, Pingback: ControlLogix DF1 Messaging to SLC 500 - Bryce Automation. Be sure the message is a CIP type message, and that the source element exists. Message Type: CIP Data Table Read Note: 1,0 at the end of the path (for desti. 0000005472 00000 n
Get that working, then solve the ControlLogix message problem. The ControlLogix controller has data that I need in the CompactLogix in order to complete the functions of the two pieces of equipment. Contact us:
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