Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Residency Meet Our Residents Contact Us Phone: 404.501.7188 Fax: 404.501.2095 Email Mailing Address 2701 North Decatur Road Decatur, GA 30033 About the Podiatry Residency Program Affiliation with the Podiatry Institute Tower Health Notice of Privacy PracticesSocial Media PolicyComplianceTerms of UseWebsiteRequestsWebsite Privacy PolicyAccessibility Statement. Rockville, MD 20855 Standard 6.0 and the associated requirements, as stated in CPME 320, Standards . Heavy emphasis on medical management of complicated inpatients with multiple comorbidities. 100% of grads are placed year after year. Hands-on training with various specialties has provided invaluable experience for our . The American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine (AACPM) is a nationally recognized education organization that represents the eleven accredited U.S. colleges of podiatric medicine as well as over 200 hospitals and organizations that conduct graduate training in podiatric medicine. Academic Programs - Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Program | Jefferson Health PDF Standards, Requirements, and Guidelines for Approval of Podiatric October 31, 2022, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time: Applications must be submitted in the NMS Match System to be included in the initial set of applications provided to programs. Phone: 310-825-8778 The Graduate Medical Education office covers all travel expenses for residents whose posters are accepted for presentation. The Partial Hospitalization Program operates Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Copyright 2017 American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine. 202-877-7204 Financial Assistance The Podiatric Medicine/Surgical Residency is exclusively a . Residents are encouraged to complete one large project during each academic year. Daniel Bingham Western University College of Podiatric Medicine '+ Expand to see more': '- Show less'}}, Nondiscrimination Notice and Language Assistance Services.
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