The eligibility documents shall be inspected for authenticity by the VO and scanned and stored in DEERS in accordance with the procedures in DMDC, Real-time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) User Guide. Specifications and the types of documents and how they are utilized to verify eligibility for a member or dependent based on their status (e.g., Retired, Reservist, spouse, former spouse, child) shall be established by the uniformed services subject to the guidelines in this subpart. This CAC is the primary ID card for civilian employees, contractors, and foreign national military, as well as other eligible individuals entitled to benefits and privileges administered by the uniformed services as described in subpart C of this part. In accordance with FIPS Publication 2012 PIV Identity Proofing and Registration Requirements, the identity documents shall be neither expired nor cancelled. The individual shall also be required to present documentation from the local security office or ID card sponsor confirming that the ID card has been reported lost or stolen. (iii) Surviving dependents of retired military members. In your statement, you say that your husband has a badge but that does not qualify wheather he is a contractor or a civilian who is employed by the Department of Defense. Initial issuance of an ID card to an applicant will be contingent on satisfying the criteria in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section. This is the primary ID card for categories of individuals, other than current or retired members of the uniformed services, who are eligible for uniformed services benefits and privileges in their own right without requiring a current affiliation with another sponsor. This contact form is only for website help or website suggestions. the hierarchy of the document. Now, if in addition to being a civil service employee, they also are a drillin. If the individual is unable to present the required identity documentation, a biometric verification shall be used as proof of identity as described in paragraph (e)(3)(iii)(A) of this section. Subscribe to: Changes in Title 32 :: Subtitle A :: Chapter I :: Subchapter F :: Part 161 :: Subpart B.
PDF EXCERPT FROM TG 1003 (Identification Card & Privileges Guide) - *Common
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Articles C