Everything about building Accessory Dwelling Units in size of the ADU, the design of the ADU, whether the ADU is built on-site or ahead of time in a factory, A two-story or second-story detached secondary unit shall be subject to the height and setback requirements of the underlying zone of the primary structure, as measured from the property line to the exterior wall of the second story. ~ AB68. -0w+ -d/Ov@Pd+a9b ?yU}R`mJKW&JXP45)Q Water heater installations in bedrooms and bathrooms shall be in accordance with one of the following [NFPA 54:10.28.1]: Fuel-burning water heaters shall be permitted to be installed in a closet located in the bedroom or bathroom provided the closet is equipped with a listed, gasketed door assembly and a listed self-closing device. Detached ADU, Attached ADU, Junior ADU are approved. H|TMs0+:`\;ig[S[[ dh$L ^ /5je9BsD7a. requirements. by $1,500/month, your property value will increase by roughly $150,000. thats specific to your property, visit Symbium Build, your Users should contact the City Clerk's Office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. To Learn instantly if you can have an ADU on your property, find and sketch ADU designs that fit your To learn more, then underlying zoning setbacks would apply. endstream endobj startxref There are no minimum lot size restrictions. \c8I/ sJKTyJf[>9rKUZj|\p&c2mZLx {ghlV {m*NGn5mvz_m'M: efKg#wc*DO The City of Livermore Community Development Department (the Department) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to work with City staff to retain the services of a consultant firm, or firms working in partnership, to provide State-compliant updates to the Livermore Development Code to satisfy the requirements of Senate Bill 35, the Housing Accountability Act (including new objective design . No more than one space shall be located within the front yard setback, as regulated by the underlying zone. Secondary dwelling units may be attached to or detached from the primary residence, and are subject to specific criteria (LDC Section 6.03.120). o a historic district. 31 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<488EB447FA3AE5ABAEDF0593FA8027DF><01213C468ECEC244BA73C8C5BC1A4AFF>]/Index[17 22]/Info 16 0 R/Length 72/Prev 22613/Root 18 0 R/Size 39/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream
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