(Sharma 1999, ch. But it is very rare for a scholar to go beyond merely assuming or asserting some sort of causal connection between the various theories about religious diversity and the above virtues and vices. There are numerous cultures in the world, understood as different visions of the cosmos , of humanity itself and of the world, with their traditions, imaginaries, languages and representations. His theory is at least superficially clear, and is rooted in his own spiritual journey. 6). For instance, as an inclusivist Christian, Heim holds that Buddhists really do attain Nirvana. Most importantly, it offers a chance to discover the deep self as Being. When employees feel that they are valued and that their contributions are . (Sometimes, however, Hick makes the weaker claim that were unable to pick any religion as best at effecting this transformation.) Thus, the slogan that there is no salvation outside the church (Latin: Extra ecclesiam nulla salus) was meant to communicate at bare minimum the uniqueness of the Christian church as Gods instrument of salvation since the resurrection of Jesus. Some experience this Being as if it were a god, but the most able gain a non-conceptual awareness of it in its ineffable glory. Diversity in religion is one of the world's strengths, not one of its weaknesses. For example, a religious group may function only to satisfy the desires of its founder, discourage the worship of God, encourage the sexual abuse of children, or lead to the damnation of its members. (Hasker 2011) At first Hick evades the issue of polytheism by describing his theory not as a kind of polytheism, but rather as poly-something. He then suggests that two views of the personae are compatible with his theory: that they are mental projections, or that they are real, but angel- or deva like beings, intermediaries and not really gods. In contrast, each of the various religions claims to have discerned the one fundamental problem facing humans, namely, the problem from which other problems derive. 1) Race as a negative social construct: physical appearance is used to discriminate, to exclude, to exploit, to abuse, and/or to profile, as in educational systems, traffic and criminal systems, housing and banking/mortgage lending, and medical care. Morales, Frank [Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya]. All the theories discussed in this article are ways that (usually religious) people regard other religions, but here we discuss them abstractly, without descending much into the details of how they would be worked out in the teachings and practices of any one religion. (Dupuis 2001, 86-9), However, what about Jews, pagans, unbaptized babies, or people who never have a chance to hear the Christian message? It is hard to see, then, how his theory enables one to be, as Hick claimed to be, a pluralistic Christian, given that one has replaced the diagnosis and cure of Christianity with those of Hicks pluralism. A more inclusive and equitable workplace can lead to increased employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity. What Is Cultural Diversity And Why Is It Important? - University of the
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