GBAS Landing System (GLS) procedures are also constructed using RNP APCH NavSpecs and provide precision approach capability. For procedures with PBN elements, the "PBN box" will contain the procedure's NavSpec(s); and, if required: specific sensors or infrastructure needed for the navigation solution, any additional or advanced functional requirements, the minimum RNP value, and any amplifying remarks. The Chart Supplement U.S. shows data that cannot be readily depicted in graphic form; e.g. Still looking for something? Flight Planning - CFI Notebook In general, these types of unintentional interference are localized and intermittent. This is limited only to systems that allow along-track waypoint construction, Pilots of FMS-equipped aircraft, who are assigned an RNAV DP or STAR procedure and subsequently receive a change of runway, transition or procedure, must verify that the appropriate changes are loaded and available for navigation, For RNAV 1 DPs and STARs, pilots must use a CDI, flight director and/or autopilot, in lateral navigation mode. On procedures with both PBN elements and ground-based equipment requirements, the PBN requirements box will be listed first (See FIG 5-4-1. Continue searching. PDF Erau Flight Plan - CFI Notebook: "Higher" Education Continue searching. [Figure 1-5], Intersections along the airway route are established by a variety of NAVAIDs, NDBs, localizers, and off-route VORs are used to establish intersections, NDBs are sometimes collocated with intersections, in which case passage of the NDB would mark the intersection, A bearing to an off-route NDB also can provide intersection identification, A localizer course used to identify an intersection is depicted by a feathered arrowhead symbol on the en route chart (, If feathered markings appear on the left-hand side of the arrowhead (, On AeroNav Products en route charts, the localizer symbol is only depicted to identify an intersection, Off-route VORs remain the most common means of identifying intersections when traveling on an airway, Another means of identifying an intersection is with the use of DME, If the DME mileage at the intersection is a cumulative distance of route segments, the mileage is totaled and indicated by a D-shaped symbol with a mileage number inside, [Figure 1-4] Approved IFR global positioning system (GPS) units can also be used to report intersections, DME and GPS provide valuable route information concerning such factors as mileage, position, and ground speed, Even without this equipment, information is provided on the charts for making the necessary calculations using time and distance, The en route chart depicts point-to-point distances on the airway system, Distances from VOR to VOR are charted with a number inside of a box, To differentiate distances when two airways coincide, the word "TO" with the three-letter VOR identifier appear to the left of the distance boxes, VOR changeover points (COPs) are depicted on the charts by this symbol, The numbers indicate the distance at which to change the VOR frequency, The frequency change might be required due to signal reception or conflicting frequencies, If a COP does not appear on an airway, the frequency should be changed midway between the facilities, A COP at an intersection may indicate a course change, Occasionally an "x" appears at a separated segment of an airway that is not an intersection, The "x" is a mileage breakdown or computer navigation fix and may indicate a course change, Today's computerized system of ATC has greatly reduced the need for holding en route, However, published holding patterns are still found on charts at junctures where ATC has deemed it necessary to enable traffic flow, When a holding pattern is charted, the controller may provide the holding direction and the statement "as published.
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