All rights reserved. residential Each neighbour is liable for half the cost of the fencing work. fencing work means: (a) the design, construction, replacement, repair or maintenance of the whole or part of a dividing fence, and (b) the surveying or preparation of land (including the trimming, lopping or removal of vegetation) along or on either side of the common boundary of adjoining lands for such a purpose, and includes: Yes you can, but you need to ask their permission before you do either. Fence rules are not as straightforward as you might think. 3. Council suggests contacting the Community Justice Centre (CJC) when neighbours are unable to agree on fencing issues. ii) 1.2m high for a brick / stone fence. I read somewhere too (here) that fence regulation is set by the local council. Noise Nuisance Record Logscan be submitted to Councilusing ouronline customer portal. Boundary fencing policy Under certain conditions, we will share the cost of boundary fencing with adjoining landowners. And you cannot add a trellis on top of a two metre fence without getting planning permission. 0) ? Homeowners should seek independent planning advice to determine if development consent is required, prior to undertaking any works to their property. Inflation + interest rate rises. However, with planning permission a fence can be There should be absolutely no climbable objects or structures within 900mm of pool fencing. false: true" class="self-start absolute left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-2.5 ">. Repairing a Boundary Fence The extra weight on the panels could lead to damage on the fence, which will need to be repaired or replaced. Sign-up for weekly news, events and important information. You may be able to build your fences higher, but you'll need to request a permit from the authorities. The estimated total cost. Whether the noise is unreasonable for the area. When carrying out an offensive noise assessment what will Council consider? 0) ? If you are fed up of looking at your neighbour's ugly fence the simple solution is to put up a new fence on your side of the boundary to hide their fence. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
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