The First and Last Freedom, by J.Krishnamurti If it happened to me, it could happen to anybody. your next words were, you might find there wasnt that many good things. How true, there was only feeling dehumanized and worth very little to him. He told me I have Aspergers Syndrome, I had books to buy and strategies to learn etc. Right now Im being benched as they call it, left out of the game for not playing well. I think these are both related to the abuse that Im sure (but without any evidence) that they received. Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below. Animals dont ask for emotions to be laid bare, they dont expect any kind of social level from a person, they accept a human as they are and from what I have observed some on the autism spectrum put an animal above any friends on their friends list, because animals dont put humans down as stupid, beneath them, inferior, and all the other stupid belittling emotions that circulate in society these days. Though there are parts that are widely understood by the public the majority of a narcissism diagnosis is not. Im also affectionate and have no problem calling him sweetheart or hon etc but the only term of endearment he has for me after one year is Missy saying hes just not like that even though he calls his daughter sweetheart all the time. As to your question of whether they can pick up narcissistic traits from their parents, I believe any child can pick up these traits, as children we learned a lot by copying what we saw. I told her it was rooted in her traumatic past and are the primary reasons that she treated people who cared about her poorly. Forgive my writing, im pretty rubbish at Grammar etc. Even if they are not identical, they can co-exist. All rights reserved. I dont have a partner, I dont need one, my brain is now at peace not screwed up by someone else trying to manipulate it. But @ times he really gets to me & upsets me with his behaviour ! The 4 great novels of Dostoyevsky (Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, Demons (aka The Possessed), and The Brothers Karamazov We have mused together over the years that we are on our marriage version X.0 (I think were on 6.0 now), but this time is the final time shell put up with my shenanigans. We have both worked hard to make our marriage work but I felt so hurt today when he seemed anxious because my sister came to visit me, I have just had a major operation and she came over to give me some company and was gone before he got home. The difference between these women is really easy to spot. Years and years of therapy and what not forced me to aknowledge that i often hurt people making them feel stupid or lowered by the way i talk about myself ad my abilities like its just pocket change normal making others feel like shit while all i was trying to do and truly was.. being humble.
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