Id like to think another dog could grow into a compain for her. They are not more prone to certain inherited conditions, like glaucoma and neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL). However, you should watch out over an Aussie Shepherds diet since its prone to obesity. Pet Insurance Waiting Periods All You Need To Know. Playing Frisbee, going on long walks or hiking, and anything Any one of these dogs would get along well with your Border Collie, as well as other members of the household. In this blog, we discuss common Border Collie topics and problems to help you raise a well-rounded canine. They require extensive amounts of exercise and training to remain healthy and happy. On top of the similar intelligence between these two breeds, Belgian Shepherds are really playful and have a lot of energy. I'm not trying to scare you away, just providing my personal experience and opinion. (And How To Deal With It), Do Dobermans Get Along With Other Dogs? Also, Goldies love the outdoors, so they can easily keep up with the lively personality of Border Collies. But only if you and your family are really prepared to handle double-everything. However, if he suddenly jumps into your lap and starts playing, it means that your dog loves you and is trying to show you his love by engaging in play with you. Breeding females is much more thoroughly involved than studding a male. My Doberman mix is very reactive, timid, and fearful. A: Male Border Collies tend to be more affectionate, but they also retain their puppy ways longer than their female counterparts. Border Collies and German Shepherds both have herding instincts, and with that comes their energy. They do not usually have the common marking and inappropriate urination problems that males do. This breed is very kind and good-natured, meaning that they get along with most dogs and nearly all people. If your Border Collie is afraid of doing something that will earn him a punishment, he might avoid you or lash out when you try to give affection. With these characteristics in mind, lets take a look at the 10 best companion dog breeds to get for your Border Collie. Brain Training For Dogs, youll save yourself a ton of time and effort. Because they require so much exercise, they will complement the Border Collies high energy well. In terms of intelligence, Australian Shepherds are the best match for a Border Collie. Not to forget the social interaction with the same species which is also quite important for mental health. Many people do feed their border collies without separating them but they do it under supervision to begin with until they know both border collies understand the rules.Pack Mentality. Border Collie Australian Shepherd Mix Border Collie puppies are just as affectionate as adult Border Collies. It gives them daily social interaction with their own species. If your pup constantly stares into your eyes, it doesnt mean he is scared of you, but that he loves you more than anything else. If the male is not fixed, he can display the tall-tale marking behavior that is common among all male dogs.
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